7 results

The Athens 2004 pollution climate and athletic performance.

Journal Article
Florida-James, G., Donaldson, K., & Stone, V. (2004)
The Athens 2004 pollution climate and athletic performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 22, 967-980. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640410400000272
Athens sits in a basin approximately 450 [km.sup.2] in area, surrounded by mountains and open sea. Anthropogenic emissions in conjunction with the topographical and meteorolog...

The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells.

Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G., Whyte, G. P., Middleton, N., Shave, R., George, K., & Guy, K. (2007)
The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 99, 201-204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-006-0326-2
Exercise is known to result in the haemolysis of red blood cells (RBCs). Although mechanical stressors such as footstrike and an increased velocity of blood flow may be involv...

Immune alterations, lipid peroxidation, and muscle damage following a hill race.

Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Wilson, M. R., Black, J., Ross, J. A., Whyte, G. P., Guy, K., & Florida-James, G. (2005)
Immune alterations, lipid peroxidation, and muscle damage following a hill race. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 30, 196-211. https://doi.org/10.1139/h05-115
Hill races usually include large downhill running sections, which can induce significant degrees of muscle damage in a field setting. This study examined the link between musc...

High-intensity exercise elicits the mobilization of senescent T lymphocytes into the peripheral blood compartment in human subjects.

Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G., Cosgrove, C., Whyte, G. P., Macrae, S., Pircher, H., & Guy, K. (2007)
High-intensity exercise elicits the mobilization of senescent T lymphocytes into the peripheral blood compartment in human subjects. Journal of Applied Physiology, 103, 396-401. https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00007.2007
Clonal expansion of T lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation is a fundamental process of adaptive immunity. As a consequence of clonal expansion, some T lymphocytes ...

The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53.

Journal Article
Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G., Whyte, G. P., & Guy, K. (2006)
The effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on human blood lymphocytes expressing the adhesion/activation molecules CD54 (ICAM-1), CD18 (β2 integrin) and CD53. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 97, 109-121. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-006-0146-4
This study examined the effects of intensive, moderate and downhill treadmill running on blood lymphocyte expression of adhesion/activation (AA) molecules. Trained subjects co...

Effect of age on 16.1km time trial performance.

Journal Article
Balmer, J., Bird, S. R., Davison, R. & Lucia, A. (2008)
Effect of age on 16.1km time trial performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 26, 197-206. doi:10.1080/02640410701446901. ISSN 0264-0414
In this study, we assessed the performance of trained senior (n = 6) and veteran (n = 6) cyclists (mean age 28 years, s = 3 and 57 years, s = 4 respectively). Each competitor ...

Impact of repeated prolonged exercise bouts on cardiac function and biomarkers.

Journal Article
Middleton, N., Shave, R., George, K., Whyte, G. P., Simpson, R. J., Florida-James, G. & Gaze, D. (2007)
Impact of repeated prolonged exercise bouts on cardiac function and biomarkers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 39, 83-90. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000239395.93578.60. ISSN 0195-9131
Purpose: The present study examined the impact of repeated bouts of prolonged ( Methods: Ten athletes completed a 15.3-mile hill run on three consecutive days and were assesse...