14 results

Migratory timing of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the central North Pacific varies with age, sex and reproductive status.

Journal Article
Craig, A. S., Herman, L. M., Gabriele, C. M., & Pack, A. A. (2002)
Migratory timing of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the central North Pacific varies with age, sex and reproductive status. Behaviour, 140, (981-1000). doi:10.1163/156853903322589605. ISSN 0005-7959
Humpback whales migrate seasonally between high-latitude summer feeding grounds and low-latitude winter breeding grounds. Identification photographs of humpback whales were co...

The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK.

Book Chapter
Wood, S. J., Smith, D., Morriss, C. J., & Cuddeford, D. (2012)
The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake by foraging donkeys in the UK. In M. Saastamoinen, M. J. Fradinho, A. S. Santos, & N. Miraglia (Eds.), Forages and grazing in horse nutrition, 163-176. Wageningen Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-755-4_17
Good pasture management on equine operations is essential to maintaining the productivity and value of the pasture as well as providing the proper nutrients and environment to...

Study to learn secrets of equine couch potatoes

Journal Article
Smith, D. (2010)
Study to learn secrets of equine couch potatoes. Horsetalk.co.nz,
It is hoped the Big Brother tactics will deliver results useful in tackling growing levels of equine obesity. Researchers hope the study will help them discover exactly what...

Why a mongrel will always trump the pedigree chump

Journal Article
Smith, D. (2008)
Why a mongrel will always trump the pedigree chump. The Mail,
With a pedigree as long as his tail, you might expect the pure-bred pooch to trounce his mongrel cousin in an IQ test. But it seems that all that breeding may be for nothing....

Cooperative behaviour in cooperative breeders: Costs, benefits, and communal breeding.

Journal Article
Gilchrist, J. (2007)
Cooperative behaviour in cooperative breeders: Costs, benefits, and communal breeding. Behavioural Processes, 76, 100-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2006.12.013
[Critical review of: R. Bergmüller, R. Johnstone, A. Russell and R. Bshary, Integrating cooperative breeding into theoretical concepts of cooperation, Behav. Process. 76 (2) 2...

Fishing behavior in a giant tailess whip spider.

Journal Article
Ladle, R. J. & Velander, K. (2002)
Fishing behavior in a giant tailess whip spider. Journal of Arachnology. 31, 154-156. ISSN 0161-8202
Whip spiders (Amblypygi) are a small and understudied group of arachnids characterised by long antenniform legs and raptorial pedipalps. Due to their nocturnal habits, secret...

Mongrels 'smarter than their pedigree chums'.

Smith, D. (2008)
Mongrels 'smarter than their pedigree chums'
Mongrels are cleverer than pedigree dogs, according to research. A study by Dr David Smith of Aberdeen University's department of animal sciences shows that crossbred dogs h...

Male mate choice and male-male competition coexist in the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae).

Journal Article
Craig, A. S., Herman, L. M. & Pack, A. A. (2002)
Male mate choice and male-male competition coexist in the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 80, 745-755. doi:10.1139/z02-050. ISSN 0008-4301
Male humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) outnumber females on the winter grounds and compete physically for proximity to females. Analyses of identification photographs c...

Inter-population dispersal by adult stoneflies detected by stable isotope enrichment

Journal Article
Briers, R. A., Gee, J. H. R., Cariss, H. M., & Geoghegan, R. (2004)
Inter-population dispersal by adult stoneflies detected by stable isotope enrichment. Freshwater Biology, 49(4), 425-431. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01198.x
1. Dispersal of adult stream insects may be of considerable importance in regional population dynamics and colonisation of new sites, but quantifying the rate and extent of di...

Uni takes lead in dog IQ testing.

Digital Artefact
Smith, D. (2006)
Uni takes lead in dog IQ testing. [BBC News channel]
Scottish scientists are trying to prove intelligence is not just down to good breeding - at least for dogs. Aberdeen University is running IQ tests on pedigree and crossbreed...