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81 results

CASCF: Certificateless Aggregated SignCryption Framework for Internet-of-Things Infrastructure

Journal Article
Kim, T., Kumar, G., Saha, R., Alazab, M., Buchanan, W. J., Rai, M. K., …Thomas, R. (2020)
CASCF: Certificateless Aggregated SignCryption Framework for Internet-of-Things Infrastructure. IEEE Access, 8, 94748-94756.
The increasing number of devices in the age of Internet-of-Thing (IoT) has arisen a number of problems related to security. Cryptographic processes, more precisely the signatu...

A Comparative Analysis of Honeypots on Different Cloud Platforms

Journal Article
Kelly, C., Pitropakis, N., Mylonas, A., McKeown, S., & Buchanan, W. J. (2021)
A Comparative Analysis of Honeypots on Different Cloud Platforms. Sensors, 21(7),
In 2019, the majority of companies used at least one cloud computing service and it is expected that by the end of 2021, cloud data centres will process 94% of workloads. The ...

E-Health: chances and challenges of distributed, service oriented architectures

Journal Article
Thuemmler, C., Fan, L., Buchanan, W. J., Lo, O., Ekonomou, E., & Khedim, A. S. (2012)
E-Health: chances and challenges of distributed, service oriented architectures. Journal of cyber security and mobility, 37,
Societies are undergoing unprecedented demographic and socio-economical changes on a pace that has never been experienced before. Health care models are in transition to remai...

A Blockchain Framework in Post-Quantum Decentralization

Journal Article
Saha, R., Kumar, G., Devgun, T., Buchanan, W., Thomas, R., Alazab, M., …Rodrigues, J. (in press)
A Blockchain Framework in Post-Quantum Decentralization. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing,
The decentralization and transparency have provided wide acceptance of blockchain technology in various sectors through numerous applications. The claimed security services by...

Applications of Blockchain Within Healthcare.

Journal Article
Bell, L., Buchanan, W. J., Cameron, J., & Lo, O. (2018)
Applications of Blockchain Within Healthcare. Blockchain in Healthcare Today,
There are several areas of healthcare and well-being that could be enhanced using blockchain technologies. These include device tracking, clinical trials, pharmaceutical traci...

Privacy and Trust Redefined in Federated Machine Learning

Journal Article
Papadopoulos, P., Abramson, W., Hall, A. J., Pitropakis, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2021)
Privacy and Trust Redefined in Federated Machine Learning. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 3(2), 333-356.
A common privacy issue in traditional machine learning is that data needs to be disclosed for the training procedures. In situations with highly sensitive data such as healthc...

How academic IT departments manage changing IT environments

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J. (2011)
How academic IT departments manage changing IT environments. VitAL Magazine, 5, 26-32
Matching what industry wants with what applicants want is a major problem for any IT academic department is matching what the jobs market requires to the types of courses whi...

A New Multistage Encryption Scheme Using Linear Feedback Register and Chaos-Based Quantum Map

Journal Article
Alharbi, A. R., Ahmad, J., Arshad, Shaukat, S., Masood, F., Ghadi, Y. Y., …Buchanan, W. J. (2022)
A New Multistage Encryption Scheme Using Linear Feedback Register and Chaos-Based Quantum Map. Complexity, 2022, Article 7047282.
With the increasing volume of data transmission through insecure communication channels, big data security has become one of the important concerns in the cybersecurity domain...

Mitigating Disaster using Secure Threshold-Cloud Architecture

Journal Article
Ukwandu, E., Buchanan, W. J., & Russell, G. (2018)
Mitigating Disaster using Secure Threshold-Cloud Architecture. Current Trends in Computer Sciences & Applications, 1(2),
There are many risks in moving data into public cloud environments, along with an increasing threat around large-scale data leakage during cloud outages. This work aims to app...

A methodology for the security evaluation within third-party Android Marketplaces

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Chiale, S., & Macfarlane, R. (2017)
A methodology for the security evaluation within third-party Android Marketplaces. Digital Investigation, 23, 88-98.
This paper aims to evaluate possible threats with unofficial Android marketplaces, and geo localize the malware distribution over three main regions: China, Europe; and Russia...