31 results

Wood properties & strength grading

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2022, December)
Wood properties & strength grading. Presented at James Jones & Sons Architects' and Structural Engineers' Open Day, Lockerbie
James Jones & Sons held an open day for architects and structural engineers at its flagship sawmill site in Lockerbie. "James Jones & Sons' new visitor building at its flags...

A Shed Resource: A look at Wood Recycling in the UK

Presentation / Conference
Cramer, M., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2020, September)
A Shed Resource: A look at Wood Recycling in the UK. Paper presented at Timber 2020, Online
The secondary timber value chain was explored by interviewing companies involved in wood recycling. The interviewees include community wood recyclers, chip producers and board...

Guessing the strength of UK timber. Grading explained (a bit)

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2013, November)
Guessing the strength of UK timber. Grading explained (a bit)
Event for Chartered Environmentalists, Foresters and other environmental professions

Making the grade and maximising the opportunities.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2016, April)
Making the grade and maximising the opportunities. Presented at Institute of Chartered Foresters 2016 National Conference “The Timber Supply Chain – Dynamics and Opportunities”
Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference 2016 Invited presentation covering: A quick explanation of key properties of wood, relevant to construction The extent ...

Wood properties variation and their probabilistic assessment via non-destructive measurement.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2015, April)
Wood properties variation and their probabilistic assessment via non-destructive measurement
Hosted COST Action FP1004 Training School - Modelling

Equipping ourselves for future forests and timber.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2018, May)
Equipping ourselves for future forests and timber. Presented at Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference, Edinburgh
Presentation to the Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference, "Innovation for change - New drivers for tomorrow’s forestry" Edinburgh 2-3 May 2013 https://www.cha...

Wood structure & biomechanics - an overview.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2010, October)
Wood structure & biomechanics - an overview
National Telford Institute Workshop

Home grown timber now and in the future.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017, November)
Home grown timber now and in the future. Presented at WTS British Timber Seminar
Presentation to the wood technology society "British Timber Seminar" at IOM3, November 2017

Structural timber on the scales.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2013, December)
Structural timber on the scales
Telford Institute Workshop on "Anisotropic, Heterogeneous and Cellular Materials: Micro-architecture to Macro-level Responses"

Adding value to the Forest through research.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2014, March)
Adding value to the Forest through research. Presented at Wood Products Innovation Gateway closing event, Royal College of Physicians
Presentation at the closing event of the "Wood Products Innovation Gateway"