29 results

Edinburgh leading world in beating online crime.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
Edinburgh leading world in beating online crime. The Scotsman
Cyber security surges ahead in the capital, says Bill Buchanan As we become more dependent on the internet by the day, the risks around it also increase, especially from cyber...

Bitcoin mining is about to become a lot less profitable

Buchanan, W. J. (2016)
Bitcoin mining is about to become a lot less profitable
Imagine being told that your wage was going to be cut in half. Well, that’s what’s soon going to happen to those who make money from Bitcoin mining, the process of earning the...

The next cyberattack could come from sound waves

Buchanan, B. (2017)
The next cyberattack could come from sound waves. https://theconversation.com/the-next-cyberattack-could-come-from-sound-waves-74716
You might think your smartphone or laptop is relatively safe from cyber attacks thanks to anti-virus and encryption software. But your devices are increasingly at risk from “s...

Advanced Security and Network Forensics: Threats

Buchanan, W. (2016)
Advanced Security and Network Forensics: Threats. http://buchananweb.co.uk/adv/unit02.html
2 THREAT ANALYSIS 2.1 Objectives 2.2 Introduction 2.3 Intruder detection Sweeps 2.4 Vulnerably analysis Vulnerability scanners 2.5 Hping 2.6 Botnets 2.7 Phishing 2.8...

Evidence to the Justice Committee at the Scottish Parliament.

Buchanan, W. J. (2010)
Evidence to the Justice Committee at the Scottish Parliament.
On 20 September 2011, Bill gave evidence at Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Bill: http://news.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/hi/scotland/newsid_9594000...

A cloudy end to a testing routine.

Thuemmler, C. (2010)
A cloudy end to a testing routine
Societal change and novel technologies are driving the evolution of healthcare systems. Cloud computing has the potential to support current structural changes in healthcare i...

Shock Index demonstrator

Thuemmler, C. (2014)
Shock Index demonstrator. [https://youtu.be/9C1rJBQyLyg]. https://youtu.be/9C1rJBQyLyg
This is an outcome from the FI-STAR project and a contribution to the FIWARE catalogue.

Accroître l’efficacité de la prestation des soins

Thuemmler, C. (2017)
Accroître l’efficacité de la prestation des soins
Interview on socio-economic background of digital agenda in health. http://paperjam.lu/news/accroitre-lefficacite-de-la-prestation-des-soins

Mobilfunk 5G Die ferngesteuerte Welt

Thuemmler, C. (2015)
Mobilfunk 5G Die ferngesteuerte Welt. http://www.handelsblatt.com/technik/hannovermesse/mobilfunk-5g-die-ferngesteuerte-welt/11615084-all.html
Erst die neue Mobilfunkgeneration 5G soll den Durchbruch für die Industrie 4.0 bringen. Während die Forschung schon um die ersten Patente wetteifert, fürchten Kritiker das End...