8 results

Mobile Multicast Route Optimisation

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Munoz, J., Bettahar, H., & Bouabdallah, A. (2006)
Mobile Multicast Route Optimisation. In IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006. ICC '06, 1977-1983. doi:10.1109/icc.2006.255060
The multiparty nature of multicast applications presents new challenges for Mobile IP users. Unfortunately, when a multicast receiver is mobile, it will experience additional ...

Transparent Handover for Mobile Multicast Sources

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Bettahar, H., & Bouabdallah, A. (2006)
Transparent Handover for Mobile Multicast Sources. In International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies, 2006. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006, 145-145. doi:10.1109/icniconsmcl.2006.217
The Internet research community has proposed many routing protocols to support efficient multicast application. However, these protocols were developed for multicast parties w...

Towards scalable collective communication for multicomputer interconnection networks

Journal Article
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., El-Zayyat, K., Ababneh, I., & Al-Dobai, S. (2004)
Towards scalable collective communication for multicomputer interconnection networks. Information Sciences, 163(4), 293-306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2003.06.014
A considerable number of broadcast algorithms have been proposed for the mesh over the past decade. Nonetheless, most of these algorithms do not exhibit good scalability prope...

Hierarchical Home Agent Architecture for Mobile IP Communications

Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Munoz, J., Bettahar, H., & Bouabdallah, A. (2006)
Hierarchical Home Agent Architecture for Mobile IP Communications. In 11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2006. ISCC '06. Proceedings, 136-141. doi:10.1109/iscc.2006.84
While the Mobile IP protocol does not exclude the use of multiple Home Agents (HAs), it does not impose any particular model either. Recent solutions propose that a mobile nod...

Analysis of an agent-based metric-driven for ad-hoc, on-demand routing.

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Migas, N., Sinclair, G., & McArtney, K. (2006)
Analysis of an agent-based metric-driven for ad-hoc, on-demand routing. Ad hoc networks, 4(2), 146-167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2004.04.009
Ad-hoc networks could bring many benefits over traditional, fixed networks. Unfortunately, they have many difficulties, including the selection of the optimal route, the avail...

A Simulation Study of Scalable Broadcast in High-Performance Regular Networks

Journal Article
Al-Dubai, A. Y., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Obaidat, M. S. (2004)
A Simulation Study of Scalable Broadcast in High-Performance Regular Networks. SIMULATION, 80(4-5), 207-220. https://doi.org/10.1177/0037549704044325
Broadcast is an important communication operation required by many real-world applications encountered in parallel, cluster, and grid computing environments. Broadcasting on r...

Setting safety standards by designing a low-budget and compatible patient identification system based on passive RFID technology.

Journal Article
Thuemmler, C., Buchanan, W. J. & Kumar, V. (2007)
Setting safety standards by designing a low-budget and compatible patient identification system based on passive RFID technology. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management. 8, 571-583. doi:10.1504/IJHTM.2007.013524. ISSN 1368-2156
This paper outlines a large-scale audit for the enhancement of quality of care and staff and patient safety using passive RFID (Radio Frequency ID) wrist bands, which link to ...

Critical analysis and error determination of locating-finding techniques in GSM.

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Raja, A. & Munoz, J. (2005)
Critical analysis and error determination of locating-finding techniques in GSM. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 3, 165-182. doi:10.1504/IJMC.2005.005905. ISSN 1470-949X
GPS is a well-established technique for location-finding, but mobile phone-based methods are generally less expensive to implement, and can give reasonable accuracies. These t...