6 results

Closing the researcher-practitioner gap: an exploration of the impact of an AHRC networking grant

Journal Article
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2019)
Closing the researcher-practitioner gap: an exploration of the impact of an AHRC networking grant. Journal of Documentation, 75(5), 1056-1081. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-12-2018-0212
Purpose: Results are presented from a study that investigated the extent to which learning gained through participation in three research methods workshops funded by an AHRC n...

Project output versus influence in practice: impact as a dimension of research quality

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2011, June)
Project output versus influence in practice: impact as a dimension of research quality. Presented at 6th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP6) conference, Manchester, England
Keynote presentation. Presentation slides can be found on slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/HazelHall/2011-hall-eblip6salford

A co-ordinated and strategic approach to LIS research: an update from the LIS Research Coalition

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2010, December)
A co-ordinated and strategic approach to LIS research: an update from the LIS Research Coalition. Presented at Online 2010, Olympia, London
Presentation slides available to view from slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/LISResearch/a-coordinated-and-strategic-approach-to-library-and-information-science-research...

DREaM past, present and future

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2012, July)
DREaM past, present and future. Presented at The DREaM project concluding conference (DREam event 5), British Library Conference Centre, London
Presentation slides can be viewed from slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/LISResearch/dream-5-dream-past-present-and-future

Seizing the opportunity of research-led practice

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2010, July)
Seizing the opportunity of research-led practice. Presented at BLA 2010: the Research Agenda, Liverpool, UK
Keynote presentation. Presentation slides can be found on slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/LISResearch/seizing-the-opportunity-of-researchled-practice

Coalition and collaboration: supporting the development of LIS research in the UK

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2011, June)
Coalition and collaboration: supporting the development of LIS research in the UK. Presented at Information: interactions and impact 2011 (i3), Aberdeen
Keynote presentation. Presentation slides can be found on slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/HazelHall/coalition-and-collaboration-supporting-the-development-of-lis-rese...