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61 results

Workshop on Interactivity in Healthcare Systems (IHS).

Conference Proceeding
Hanson, V. L., Webster, G., & Dennis, M. (2015)
Workshop on Interactivity in Healthcare Systems (IHS). In Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2015, 677-678.
We are all living longer with average life expectancy increasing across the globe [1]. However, chronic conditions such as heart disease, strokes and cancer, coupled with an i...

Corralling Culture as a Concept in LIS Research

Conference Proceeding
Salzano, R., Hall, H., & Webster, G. (2020)
Corralling Culture as a Concept in LIS Research. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. , (e368).
Individuals’ cultural backgrounds influence their use of societal resources, including libraries. A literature search and review was completed on the treatment of culture in l...

Power to the Population? the population census under review.

Conference Proceeding
Killick, L., Duff, A., Hall, H., & Deakin, M. (2016)
Power to the Population? the population census under review. In ACTIS 2015, (27-34
Many regard the population census as the backbone of national statistics. It is also regarded as a national institution; a data source held in high regard by the academic, pol...

Networked information: dealing with overload.

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H. (1997)
Networked information: dealing with overload. In Information for Scotland IV : proceedings of a conference organised by the Cataloguing and Indexing Group in Scotland, the Library Association Information Services Group (Scottish Branch) and the National Library of Scotland, and held at the Strathclyde Graduate Business School, Glasgow, Tuesday 4th November 1997, 37-44
In support of peak performance all organisations require optimal information: information that arrives at the right time and in the right format, matching the quality requirem...

The AmbITion Approach : examining action research into organisational practice

Conference Proceeding
Rudman, H. (2014)
The AmbITion Approach : examining action research into organisational practice. In iFutures 2014 Conference Proceedings
Digital technologies have had profound impacts on the whole value chain of the creative sector. Arts, cultural, and heritage organisations and practices are under pressure to ...

Implementing a co-ordinated and strategic approach to Library and Information Science research: the work of the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H., & Brazier, C. (2010)
Implementing a co-ordinated and strategic approach to Library and Information Science research: the work of the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition. In Proceedings of the 76th International Federation of Library Associations General Conference and Assembly 2010
In recent years there has been growing recognition amongst the UK library and information profession of a need for a co-ordinated and strategic approach to Library and Informa...

Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net

Conference Proceeding
Buckner, K., & Cruickshank, P. (2008)
Social network analysis as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of EC funded networks of excellence: the case of DEMO-net. In Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 60.
The European Commission, through its framework programme aims to stimulate the development of sustained collaborative research networks across Europe. Social network analysis ...

Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments.

Conference Proceeding
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016)
Personal online reputation: the development of an approach to investigate how personal reputation is evaluated and managed in online environments. In IDIMC 2016: Exploring our digital shadow - from data to intelligence, (98-108
The main theme of the paper is the development of a framework to investigate how online information is used in the creation, building, and evaluation of personal reputations. ...

CURIOS Mobile: Linked Data exploitation for tourist mobile apps in rural areas

Conference Proceeding
Nguyen, H. H., Beel, D., Webster, G., Mellish, C., Pan, J. Z., & Wallace, C. (2015)
CURIOS Mobile: Linked Data exploitation for tourist mobile apps in rural areas. In T. Supnithi, T. Yamaguchi, J. Z. Pan, V. Wuwongse, & M. Buranarach (Eds.), Semantic Technology : 4th Joint International Conference, JIST 2014. , (129-145).
As mobile devices proliferate and their computational power has increased rapidly over recent years, mobile applications have become a popular choice for visitors to enhance t...

Initiating e-Participation Through a Knowledge Working Network

Conference Proceeding
Rasmussen, L., Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2006)
Initiating e-Participation Through a Knowledge Working Network. In R. Suomi, R. Cabral, J. F. Hampe, A. Heikkila, & J. Jarvelainen (Eds.), Project E-Society: Building Bricks. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, 96-108.
The authors present a study of e-participation within a public sector agency (PSA), where a number of knowledge management initiatives have been introduced since the inception...