38 results

Metamaterial biosensor for cancer detection

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2012)
Metamaterial biosensor for cancer detection. In SENSORS, 2011 IEEEdoi:10.1109/icsens.2011.6127103
In this study a low-cost, compact, and high-performing metamaterial-based biosensor operating in the GHz regime is presented. The sensor is designed to detect the presence of ...

Tailoring of electromagnetic waves by metasurfaces

Conference Proceeding
Spada, L. L., & Hao, Y. (2017)
Tailoring of electromagnetic waves by metasurfaces. In 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP)https://doi.org/10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928143
In the last few years, non-homogeneous metasurfaces captured huge interest in tailoring electromagnetic waves, ranging from microwave to optical frequencies. Several technolog...

Spectral Green's Function for SPR Meta-Structures

Journal Article
Iovine, R., La Spada, L., Tarparelli, R., & Vegni, L. (2014)
Spectral Green's Function for SPR Meta-Structures. Materials Science Forum, 792, 110-114. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.792.110
In this paper we propose a new approach to study the electromagnetic field in Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) meta-structures. The geometry is a planar structure infinitely ex...

Electromagnetic waves control for antennas applications

Conference Proceeding
Spada, L. L., & Hao, Y. (2017)
Electromagnetic waves control for antennas applications. In 2017 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC)https://doi.org/10.1109/apwc.2017.8062256
Recently, great interest in controlling and manipulating electromagnetic wave propagation from microwave to optical frequencies, has been emerged. Artificial sheet materials w...

Surface wave cloaking using transformation optics

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., & Hao, Y. (2015)
Surface wave cloaking using transformation optics. In 2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC)doi:10.1109/ursi-at-rasc.2015.7302892
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the study of manipulating surface waves from microwave to optical frequencies [1, 2], especially for the design of conformal...

Surface Wave Cloak from Graded Refractive Index Nanocomposites

Journal Article
La Spada, L., McManus, T. M., Dyke, A., Haq, S., Zhang, L., Cheng, Q., & Hao, Y. (2016)
Surface Wave Cloak from Graded Refractive Index Nanocomposites. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 29363. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep29363
Recently, a great deal of interest has been re-emerged on the possibility to manipulate surface waves, in particular, towards the THz and optical regime. Both concepts of Tran...

Surface wave manipulation based on transformation optics: From design to manufacturing

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., & Hao, Y. (2017)
Surface wave manipulation based on transformation optics: From design to manufacturing. In 2016 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP)
In the last few years, much interest has grown in the control and manipulation of electromagnetic surface waves. The aim of this paper is to present a new design and manufactu...

Nanorod-based glucose sensor.

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., Iovine, R., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2012)
Nanorod-based glucose sensor. In Metamorphose VI: Proceedings of Metamaterials '2012: The Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics
In this paper, a metamaterial-based sensor consisting of an array of nanorods is proposed. An analytical model, describing the electromagnetic response of the nanorods, is pro...

Curvilinear MetaSurfaces for Surface Wave Manipulation.

Journal Article
La Spada, L., Spooner, C., Haq, S., & Hao, Y. (2019)
Curvilinear MetaSurfaces for Surface Wave Manipulation. Scientific Reports, 9(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-36451-8
Artificial sheet materials, known as MetaSurfaces, have been applied to fully control both space and surface waves due to their exceptional abilities to dynamically tailor wav...

Metamaterial-based sensor for skin disease diagnostics

Conference Proceeding
La Spada, L., Iovine, R., Tarparelli, R., & Vegni, L. (2013)
Metamaterial-based sensor for skin disease diagnostics. In Proceedings Volume 8767, Integrated Photonics: Materials, Devices, and Applications II; 87670Tdoi:10.1117/12.2017561
Skin absorption properties, under diseases conditions, are modified due to the structural variations of chromophores and pigments. The measurement of such different absorption...