5 results

Extensions to a memetic timetabling system.

Conference Proceeding
Paechter, B., Cumming, A., Norman, M. G., & Luchian, H. (1996)
Extensions to a memetic timetabling system. In R. Burke (Ed.), Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, 251-265. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-61794-9_64
This paper describes work in progress to increase the performance of a memetic timetabling system. The features looked at are two directed mutation operators, targeted mutatio...

Timetabling the classes of an entire university with an evolutionary algorithm.

Conference Proceeding
Paechter, B., Rankin, B., Cumming, A., & Fogarty, T. C. (1998)
Timetabling the classes of an entire university with an evolutionary algorithm. In T. Beck, & M. Schoenauer (Eds.), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN V. , (865-874). https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0056928
This paper describes extensions to an evolutionary algorithm that timetables classes for an entire University. A new method of dealing with multi-objectives is described along...

The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms.

Conference Proceeding
Paechter, B., Cumming, A., & Luchian, H. (1995)
The use of local search suggestion lists for improving the solution of timetable problems with evolutionary algorithms. In Evolutionary Computing, 86-93. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-60469-3_27
This paper presents a new genetic representation for timetabling with evolutionary algorithms. The representation involves the use of suggestion lists for the placement of eve...

An evolutionary approach to the general timetable problem.

Book Chapter
Paechter, B., Luchian, H., & Cumming, A. (1993)
An evolutionary approach to the general timetable problem. In The Scientific Annals of the "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, special issue for the ROSYCS symposium 1993. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press

Progzoo: a gentle introduction to programming.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, S. & Cumming, A. (2006)
Progzoo: a gentle introduction to programming
A fully integrated web-based learning resource has been introduced to support the teaching and learning of Java programming. Students are introduced to features of the languag...