14 results

Supporting the case for “progressive universalism” in health visiting: Scottish mothers and health visitors’ perspectives on targeting and rationing health visiting services, with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model

Journal Article
Hogg, R., Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., & Hanley, J. (2012)
Supporting the case for “progressive universalism” in health visiting: Scottish mothers and health visitors’ perspectives on targeting and rationing health visiting services, with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 240-250. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04224.x
Aims. To explore parents and professionals’ experience of family assessment in health visiting (public health nursing), with a focus on the Lothian Child Concern Model (LCCM)....

Development and preliminary psychometric properties of the Care Experience Feedback Improvement Tool (CEFIT)

Journal Article
Beattie, M., Shepherd, A., Lauder, W., Atherton, I., Cowie, J., & Murphy, D. J. (2016)
Development and preliminary psychometric properties of the Care Experience Feedback Improvement Tool (CEFIT). BMJ Open, 6(6), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010101
Objective To develop a structurally valid and reliable, yet brief measure of patient experience of hospital quality of care, the Care Experience Feedback Improvement Tool (CEF...

Differences in 5-year survival after a 'homeless' or 'housed' drugs-related hospital admission: a study of 15-30-year olds in Scotland

Journal Article
Dibben, C., Dibben, C., Atherton, I., Doherty, J., & Baldacchino, A. (2011)
Differences in 5-year survival after a 'homeless' or 'housed' drugs-related hospital admission: a study of 15-30-year olds in Scotland. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(9), 780-785. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2009.101352
Background Young drug misusers and the homeless both have a greater risk of death than their peers. This study sought to estimate the additional impact of homelessness on the ...

Systematic review: cultural adaptation and feasibility of screening for autism in non-English speaking countries

Journal Article
Al Maskari, T. S., Melville, C. A., & Willis, D. S. (2018)
Systematic review: cultural adaptation and feasibility of screening for autism in non-English speaking countries. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 12(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13033-018-0200-8
Aim: To explore the feasibility of screening for Autism spectrum disorder in Non-English-Speaking Countries, the cultural influences and the nurses' role in the screening proc...

A profiling exercise of childhood immunisation services in Edinburgh: A qualitative report.

Kennedy, C., McIntosh, P., Hogg, R., Gray Brunton, C., & Christie, J. A. (2009)
A profiling exercise of childhood immunisation services in Edinburgh: A qualitative report
BACKGROUND: Childhood immunisation is a complex area in the research literature with a number of contributing influences. Within Edinburgh Community Health Partnership (CHP), ...

A profiling exercise of childhood immunisation practices in Edinburgh

Presentation / Conference
Kennedy, C., McIntosh, P., Hogg, R., Christie, J. A., & Gray Brunton, C. (2008, October)
A profiling exercise of childhood immunisation practices in Edinburgh. Poster presented at NHS Lothian Research Day
Background: Childhood immunisation is a complex area in the research literature with a range of influences affecting uptake. Uptake is important to ensure herd immunity from i...

(Mis)Communication and context for childhood vaccinations: a role for critical health psychology?

Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., & Hogg, R. (2009)
(Mis)Communication and context for childhood vaccinations: a role for critical health psychology?
Background: The promotion of childhood vaccinations is complex in the literature. Vaccination is important to ensure protection from infectious diseases but in developed count...

'Housing First' as a means of addressing multiple needs and homelessness.

Journal Article
Atherton, I. & Nicholls, C. M. (2007)
'Housing First' as a means of addressing multiple needs and homelessness. European journal of homelessness. 2, 289-303. ISSN 2030-2762
This paper considers the effectiveness of Housing First and its applicability to the European context. Housing First approaches explicitly incorporate secure tenures as an int...

An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions: Final Report.

Working Paper
Parkes, T., Atherton, I., Evans, J., Gloyn, S., McGhee, S., Stoddart, B., …Choudury, H. (2011)
An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions: Final Report.
Alcohol Brief Interventions (ABIs) have been identified as an effective strategy for treating people whose alcohol consumption is posing a risk to their health. As part of its...

Housing First: Considering Components for Successful Resettlement of Homeless People with Multiple Needs.

Journal Article
Nicholls, C. M., & Atherton, I. (2011)
Housing First: Considering Components for Successful Resettlement of Homeless People with Multiple Needs. Housing Studies, 26, 767-777. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2011.581907
‘Housing First’ programmes in the US involve the provision of mainstream scatter sited permanent housing at the initial stage of support for homeless individuals with multiple...