8 results

Interaction analysis: a therapeutic tool

Journal Article
Conlon, M. M. (1995)
Interaction analysis: a therapeutic tool. British Journal of Nursing (1), 4(21), 1269-1270. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.1995.4.21.1269
This short interaction has been selected as being representative of a generic psychiatric nurse's caseload practice. The aim of the exercise is to allow the practitioner to re...

Exploring the compatibility of mental health nursing, recovery focused practice and the welfare state.

Journal Article
Conlon, M. M. M., Ariyaratnam, M. I., Brennan, G. K., Bush, C. J., & Owtram, R. (2015)
Exploring the compatibility of mental health nursing, recovery focused practice and the welfare state. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22(5), 337-343. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpm.12222
This discussion paper considers the implications for mental health nursing practice when working alongside individuals in receipt of state benefits. There is arguably a profou...

Scotland: Principles based approach to law.

Conlon, M. M. M., & Patrick, H. (2008)
Scotland: Principles based approach to law. In V. Clarke, & A. Walsh (Eds.), Fundamentals of Mental HealthOxford University Press

Myths and mysteries of mental health: An interagency collaboration.

Journal Article
Conlon, M. M. M. (2013)
Myths and mysteries of mental health: An interagency collaboration. Nurse Education in Practice. 14, 422-426. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2014.01.001. ISSN 1471-5953
This paper explores a practice learning collaboration between a group of undergraduate mental health nurses (N=12) and second year high school pupils,(age 13/14 years old).. A...

An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning.

Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M. & Miller, L. (2012)
An exploration of the interpretation and application of the Due Regard Principle in Practice learning. Scotland: NHS Scotland
This is the second stage of a project on ‘Due Regard’. Project one explored and investigated Due Regard in practice in Scotland. Project two (this project) evaluated a pilot o...

RRR in preregistration education. Rights, Relationships Recover.

Presentation / Conference
Conlon, M. M. M., & Snowden, A. (2011, January)
RRR in preregistration education. Rights, Relationships Recover. Paper presented at National Review of Mental Health Nursing Conference, Glasgow, Scotland

Due respect for the principle of due regard - an opportunity or a contraint?

Presentation / Conference
Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M., & Pollard, M. (2014, September)
Due respect for the principle of due regard - an opportunity or a contraint?. Poster presented at 25th International Networking for HEalthcare Education Conference, Universtiy of Cambridge, UK

Due respect for the principle of due regard - an opportunity or a constraint?

Presentation / Conference
Scott, J. A., Pollock, C., Conlon, M. M. M., & Pollard, M. (2013, January)
Due respect for the principle of due regard - an opportunity or a constraint?. Paper presented at E.N.T.E.R conference., Edinburgh Napier University