32 results

An Energy-Efficiency Routing Scheme Based on Clusters with a Mobile Sink for WSNs

Conference Proceeding
Liu, X., & Liu, Q. (2017)
An Energy-Efficiency Routing Scheme Based on Clusters with a Mobile Sink for WSNs. In X. Sun, H. C. Chao, X. You, & E. Bertino (Eds.), Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2017), (450-459). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68505-2_39
With the development of microelectronic devices and the radio, the application of WSN is more popular and can be applied in the various areas, which has attracted scholars. Ho...

DEEPC: Dynamic Energy Profiling of Components

Conference Proceeding
Liu, X., Chinenyeze, S. J., & Al-Dubai, A. (2016)
DEEPC: Dynamic Energy Profiling of Components. In 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2016.90
Many software projects are built using reusable components (i.e. reusable objects - as per component and connectors in software architectures). During component selection in C...

A Method for Electric Load Data Verfication and Repair in home Environment

Conference Proceeding
Liu, Q., Li, S., Liu, X., & Linge, N. (2016)
A Method for Electric Load Data Verfication and Repair in home Environment. In X. Sun, A. Liu, H. C. Chao, & E. Bertino (Eds.), Cloud Computing and Security. ICCCS 2016, 244-253. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48674-1_22
Most people do not have a consciousness of energy saving. For this phenomenon, the governments are building smart grids to take measures for the energy crisis. Electric load d...

A Perspective on Middleware-Oriented Context-Aware Pervasive Systems

Conference Proceeding
Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2008)
A Perspective on Middleware-Oriented Context-Aware Pervasive Systems. In Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 249-254. doi:10.1109/compsac.2009.142
The evolving concepts of mobile computing, context-awareness, and ambient intelligence are increasingly influencing user's experience of services. Therefore, the goal of this ...

A model checking based approach to automatic test suite generation for testing web services and BPEL.

Conference Proceeding
Zhao, H., Sun, J., & Liu, X. (2012)
A model checking based approach to automatic test suite generation for testing web services and BPEL. In Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, 61-69. https://doi.org/10.1109/APSCC.2012.29
With the rapid increase of Web Service applications, the reliability of web service and service composition has drawn particular attention from researchers and industries. Man...

Apto: A MDD-Based Generic Framework for Context-Aware Deeply Adaptive Service-Based Processes

Conference Proceeding
Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2010)
Apto: A MDD-Based Generic Framework for Context-Aware Deeply Adaptive Service-Based Processes. In Proceedings of The 8th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS’10), 219-226. doi:10.1109/icws.2010.16
Context-awareness and adaptability are important and desirable properties of service-based processes designed to provide personalized services. Most of the existing approaches...

Mapping Features to Context Information: Supporting Context Variability for Context-Aware Pervasive Applications

Conference Proceeding
Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2010)
Mapping Features to Context Information: Supporting Context Variability for Context-Aware Pervasive Applications. In Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies (WI-IAT 2010), 611-614. doi:10.1109/wi-iat.2010.25
Context-aware computing is widely accepted as a promising paradigm to enable seamless computing. Several middlewares and ontology-based models for describing context informati...

Cloud Migration Patterns: A Multi-Cloud Service Architecture Perspective.

Conference Proceeding
Jamshidi, P., Pahl, C., Chinenyeze, S., & Liu, X. (2014)
Cloud Migration Patterns: A Multi-Cloud Service Architecture Perspective
Many organizations migrate their on-premise software systems to the cloud. However, current coarse-grained cloud migration solutions have made a transparent migration of on-pr...

Pricing Ontology for Task-Oriented Cloud Sourcing

Conference Proceeding
Greenwell, R., Liu, X., & Chalmers, K. (2016)
Pricing Ontology for Task-Oriented Cloud Sourcing. In 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud)https://doi.org/10.1109/ficloud.2016.17
Cloud computing allows access to computing resources from a number of providers, who offer multiple pricing strategies for selected product characteristics. The service offeri...

ESBSC: Energy-Aware Service Brokering Strategy in Clouds

Conference Proceeding
Ma, F., Liu, X., Yang, Y., Yao, W., Cai, J., & Wang, F. (2017)
ESBSC: Energy-Aware Service Brokering Strategy in Clouds. In Proceedings of the IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)https://doi.org/10.1109/compsac.2017.120
One of the key features of cloud computing is on demand resource provision. Unfortunately, different cloud service providers often have different standards, which makes the jo...