44 results

Valuing Ecosystems as an Economic Part of Climate-Compatible Development Infrastructure in Coastal Zones of Kenya & Sri Lanka

Book Chapter
Emerton, L., Huxham, M., Bournazel, J., & Kumara, M. P. (2016)
Valuing Ecosystems as an Economic Part of Climate-Compatible Development Infrastructure in Coastal Zones of Kenya & Sri Lanka. In Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation in Practice, 23-43. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43633-3_2
Even though ‘green’ options for addressing the impacts of climate change have gained in currency over recent years, they are yet to be fully mainstreamed into development poli...

The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage

Journal Article
Harcourt, W. D., Briers, R. A., & Huxham, M. (2018)
The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage. Biology Letters, 14(11), https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2018.0227
Knowledge of seagrass distribution is limited to a few well-studied sites and poor where resourcesare scant (e.g. Africa), hence global estimates of seagrass carbon storage ar...

Shrimp aquaculture as a vehicle for Climate Compatible Development in Sri Lanka. The case of Puttalam Lagoon

Journal Article
Harkes, I., Drengstig, A., Kumara, M., Jayasinghe, J., & Huxham, M. (2015)
Shrimp aquaculture as a vehicle for Climate Compatible Development in Sri Lanka. The case of Puttalam Lagoon. Marine Policy, 61, 273-283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2015.08.003
At present, aquaculture of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the Puttalam district of Sri Lanka is unsustainable with more than 90% of the former shrimp ponds laying aba...

Primary Production and Carbon uptake dynamics in the vicinity of south Georgia - balancing carbon fixation and removal

Journal Article
Gilpin, L., Priddle, J., Whitehouse, M., Savidge, G., & Atkinson, A. (2002)
Primary Production and Carbon uptake dynamics in the vicinity of south Georgia - balancing carbon fixation and removal. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 242, 51-62. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps242051
Primary production was measured at a series of stations in austral summer 1996 in the vicinity of South Georgia. Five stations were occupied along a 700 km transect southeastw...

Framework for understanding marine ecosystem health

Journal Article
Tett, P., Gowen, R., Painting, S., Elliott, M., Forster, R., Mills, D., …Wilkinson, M. (2013)
Framework for understanding marine ecosystem health. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 494, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps10539
Although the terms ‘health’ and ‘healthy’ are often applied to marine ecosystems and communicate information about holistic condition (e.g. as required by the Ecosystem Approa...

Response of temperate microplankton communities to N:Si ratio perturbation

Journal Article
Roberts, E. C., Davidson, K., & Gilpin, L. (2003)
Response of temperate microplankton communities to N:Si ratio perturbation. Journal of plankton research, 25(12), 1485-1495. https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbg109
In order to study the effect of the nitrogen:silicon (N:Si) ratio on temperate microplankton food webs, mesocosm experiments were conducted in Trondheim (Norway) using two dif...

The influence of crab burrows on sediment salinity in a Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forest in North Brazil during the dry season

Journal Article
Pestana, D. F., Pülmanns, N., Nordhaus, I., Diele, K., & Zimmer, M. (2017)
The influence of crab burrows on sediment salinity in a Rhizophora-dominated mangrove forest in North Brazil during the dry season. Hydrobiologia, 803(1), 295-305. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-017-3282-4
Many ecological processes are influenced by salinity. Burrowing crabs, abundant fauna of mangrove forests around the world, can facilitate sediment water fluxes, which may dec...

Rapid Losses of Surface Elevation following Tree Girdling and Cutting in Tropical Mangroves

Journal Article
Lang'at, J. K. S., Kairo, J. G., Mencuccini, M., Bouillon, S., Skov, M. W., Waldron, S., & Huxham, M. (2014)
Rapid Losses of Surface Elevation following Tree Girdling and Cutting in Tropical Mangroves. PLOS ONE, 9(9), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0107868
The importance of mangrove forests in carbon sequestration and coastal protection has been widely acknowledged. Large-scale damage of these forests, caused by hurricanes or cl...

Sediment Temperature Impact on Population Structure and Dynamics of the Crab Austruca iranica Pretzmann, 1971 (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) in Subtropical Mangroves of the Persian Gulf

Journal Article
Saeedi, H., Kamrani, E., Nordhaus, I., & Diele, K. (2018)
Sediment Temperature Impact on Population Structure and Dynamics of the Crab Austruca iranica Pretzmann, 1971 (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) in Subtropical Mangroves of the Persian Gulf. Wetlands, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-018-0998-5
Ocypodid crabs inhabit intertidal sandy/muddy flats of tropical and sub-tropical mangroves. Iran has three species of the genus Austruca. In contrast to A. sindensis and A. la...

Research for real - an intensive honours research project.

Huxham, M. (2007)
Research for real - an intensive honours research project. In Student Research Projects: Guidance on Practice in the BiosciencesCentre for Bioscience, Higher Education Academy
Research for real - an intensive honours research project.