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54 results

Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences

McGregor, I. Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The perceived auditory environment is an increasingly important part of people’s everyday interactive experiences. While sound design is an established discipline in media suc...

Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation

Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2017)
Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation. Design Journal, 20(sup1), S3966-S3974.
The diffusion and democratisation of computing technologies and physical prototyping systems has supported the rise of Do-It-Yourself culture. In the context of design innovat...

Interaction strategies for an affective conversational agent

Journal Article
Smith, C., Crook, N., Dobnik, S., Charlton, D., Boye, J., Pulman, S., …Cavazza, M. (2011)
Interaction strategies for an affective conversational agent. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 20, 395-411.
The development of embodied conversational agents (ECA) as companions brings several challenges for both affective and conversational dialogue. These include challenges in gen...

User Experience in Cross-channel Ecosystems

Conference Proceeding
Benyon, D., & Resmini, A. (2017)
User Experience in Cross-channel Ecosystems. In Proceedings of the British HCI Conference 2017.
Recent developments in information and communication technologies have left interaction design and human-computer interaction (HCI) with something of a conceptual gap. The dis...

The Effectiveness of Two Audiovisual Mappings to Control a Concatenative Synthesiser

Conference Proceeding
Tsiros, A., & Leplâtre, G. (2017)
The Effectiveness of Two Audiovisual Mappings to Control a Concatenative Synthesiser. In J. Pätynen, V. Välimäki, & T. Lokki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2017. , (320-327
This paper presents the results of an investigation into audio visual (AV) correspondences conducted as part of the development of Morpheme, a painting interface to control a ...

Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces

Helgason, I. Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This research aims to contribute to knowledge about the design of interactive systems sited in public spaces. In particular, the study concerns "optional interactions" where s...

Comparative Evaluation of Radio and Audio Logo Sound Designs

Journal Article
McGregor, I., & Cunningham, S. (2015)
Comparative Evaluation of Radio and Audio Logo Sound Designs. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 63(11), 876-888.
This study aims to explore the suitability of capturing designers’ and listeners’ experiences of sound design for a radio drama and audio logos using the repertory grid techni...

ALT text and basic accessibility

Conference Proceeding
McEwan, T., & Weerts, B. (2007)
ALT text and basic accessibility. In D. Ramduny-Ellis, & D. Rachovides (Eds.), People and computers XXI : HCI-- but not as we know it : proceedings of HCI 2007, the 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference, 1-4
Recent surveys have shown that the majority of websites are not accessible. Despite legal obligations and the importance of the internet for disabled people, most websites fai...

Permaculture as a foundation for sustainable interaction design and UX

Conference Proceeding
Egan, C., Benyon, D., & Thompson, R. (2017)
Permaculture as a foundation for sustainable interaction design and UX. In Proceedings of British HCI 2017.
The main objective of this work is to gain an understanding of the relationships between UX and permaculture. This will deliver insights as to how digital media development ca...

Health: RFID makes surgery safer.

Mival, O., Thuemmler, C., Schneider, A., Paulin, A., Kranzfelder, M., & Hasan, A. (2013)
Health: RFID makes surgery safer. In P. Cousin (Ed.), Internet of Things: Success Stories, 54-60. Internet of Things Council
This document presents a novel technique to reduce the risk of forgotten surgical towels in surgery. It is an application of IoT in field of healthcare. Integrating RFID tags ...