4 results

A Multiple Viewed Interrelated Ontology Model for Holistic Component Specification and Retrieval

Conference Proceeding
Li, C., Liu, X., & Kennedy, J. (2009)
A Multiple Viewed Interrelated Ontology Model for Holistic Component Specification and Retrieval. In S. Abrahão, J. Verner, T. Jiang, A. Kiumi, T. Kim, & D. Ślęzak (Eds.), Advances in Software Engineering. ASEA 2009 (50-60). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10619-4_7
Despite the success that Component-Based Development has achieved so far, component mismatch remains as a major hurdle for wider and smoother component reuse due to the lack o...

Semantics-Based Component Repository: State of Arts and a Calculation Rating Factor-based Framework.

Conference Proceeding
Li, C., Liu, X., & Kennedy, J. (2008)
Semantics-Based Component Repository: State of Arts and a Calculation Rating Factor-based Framework. In Proceedings of Computer Software and Applications Conference, 751-756. https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2008.40
Nowadays, Component-Based Development (CBD) has been widely used in software engineering. As a core activity in the CBD process, component retrieval has attracted extensive re...

Quality Attributes Suggestion in Component Retrieval.

Conference Proceeding
Li, C., Liu, X., & Kennedy, J. (2011)
Quality Attributes Suggestion in Component Retrieval

Achieve semantic-based precise component selection via an ontology model interlinking application domain and MVICS.

Conference Proceeding
Li, C., Liu, X., & Kennedy, J. (2010)
Achieve semantic-based precise component selection via an ontology model interlinking application domain and MVICS. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'10)