26 results

Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., & Ould-Khaoua, M. (2002)
Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report. In Conference Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (Cat. No.01CH37210), 155-162. https://doi.org/10.1109/IPCCC.2001.918648
Broadcast is an important collective communication operation required by many real-world parallel applications. This paper proposes the Coded Path Routing (or CPR for short) a...

Norms and standards in modular medical architectures.

Conference Proceeding
Fricker, S., Fiedler, M., Grottland, A., Jell, T., Magedanz, T., Thuemmler, C., …Paulin, A. (2014)
Norms and standards in modular medical architectures. In 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom) (IEEE Healthcom 2013), (382-387). https://doi.org/10.1109/HealthCom.2013.6720705
Recent Internet of Things (IoT) research has been aiming at interoperability of devices and the integration of sensor networks. The Future Internet - Private Public Partnershi...

A scalable plane-based broadcast algorithm for 3D-Mesh networks

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Mackenzie, L. (2002)
A scalable plane-based broadcast algorithm for 3D-Mesh networks. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Euromicro Conference on Parallel,Distributed and Network-Based Processing (Euro-PDP’03), 149-156. doi:10.1109/empdp.2003.1183581
Broadcast algorithms for wormhole–switched meshes have been widely reported in the literature. However, most of these algorithms handle broadcast in a sequential manner and do...

An efficient adaptive broadcast algorithm for the mesh network

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., & Ould-Khaoua, M. (2001)
An efficient adaptive broadcast algorithm for the mesh network. In Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'01), 83-90. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPADS.2001.934805
Most existing broadcast algorithms proposed for the mesh do not scale well with the network size. Furthermore, they have been mainly based on deterministic routing, which cann...

Towards scalable collective communication for multicomputer interconnection networks

Journal Article
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., El-Zayyat, K., Ababneh, I., & Al-Dobai, S. (2004)
Towards scalable collective communication for multicomputer interconnection networks. Information Sciences, 163(4), 293-306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2003.06.014
A considerable number of broadcast algorithms have been proposed for the mesh over the past decade. Nonetheless, most of these algorithms do not exhibit good scalability prope...

A Performance Study of Path Based Multicast Communication Algorithms

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., & Romdhani, I. (2006)
A Performance Study of Path Based Multicast Communication Algorithms. In International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC 2006), 245-250. doi:10.1109/parelec.2006.7
Multicast communication?s history has been driven by many schemes; however, a few have shown their efficiency on interconnection networks. Among these schemes, path based mult...

A new adaptive broadcasting approach for mobile ad hoc networks

Conference Proceeding
Bani Khalaf, M., Al-Dubai, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2010)
A new adaptive broadcasting approach for mobile ad hoc networks. In Proceedings of 2010 6th Conference on Wireless Advanced (WiAD). , (1-6). https://doi.org/10.1109/WIAD.2010.5544944
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have been gaining tremendous attention owing to the advances in wireless technologies accompanied by many applications and implementations. How...

On balancing traffic load in path-based multicast communication.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., El-Zayyat, K., & Mackenzie, L. (2002)
On balancing traffic load in path-based multicast communication. In SPECTS '03, 533-540
Multicast is the most primitive collective capability of any message-passing network. It is itself central to many important parallel applications in Science and Engineering b...

On the performance of broadcast algorithms in interconnection networks.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., & Ould-Khaoua, M. (2005)
On the performance of broadcast algorithms in interconnection networks. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPPW.2005.63
Broadcast Communication is among the most primitive collective capabilities of any message passing network. Broadcast algorithms for the mesh have been widely reported in the ...

Towards a scalable broadcast in wormhole-switched mesh networks

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A. Y., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Mackenzie, L. M. (2002)
Towards a scalable broadcast in wormhole-switched mesh networks. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 840-844. https://doi.org/10.1145/508791.508955
Broadcast algorithms for wormhole--switched meshes have been widely reported in the literature. However, most of these algorithms handle broadcast in a sequential manner and d...
6 results

e-Health Security Infrastructure Evaluation

2012 - 2012
IIDI is working with Patient Reminders Limited supported the SFC Innovation Voucher scheme.  Patient Reminders Limited provides patient reminder products and solutions for use in clinical studies, ph...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,979


2013 - 2015
New ideas are on the way to make healthcare more accurate, more affordable and matching the needs of our changing societies. Demographic changes, progress in technology and in medicine offer options t...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £532,920

To develop an on-line learning course for refresher courses in the Licensed Trade

2015 - 2015
The aim of the  project led by Alistair Lawson of IIDI is  is to investigate the development of a visually stimulating, high quality interactive on-line learning package for refresher courses for the ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Integration of Stimulating and Engaging Education Assessments

2012 - 2012
IIDI has been successful in obtaining funding for a new collaborative project with Bright Red Publishing supported by the SFC Innovation Voucher Scheme.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

KTP Payfont Ltd

2015 - 2017
To create the ability in Payfont to research and deliver, using Universal Design principles and processes based on BS8878, the optimal secure user experience (UX) in secure transactions
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £135,030

Callendar Estate

2010 - 2010
The focus of this project is to integrate novel interaction methods for forestry.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000