11 results

A framework for engineering metaphor at the user interface

Journal Article
Alty, J., Knott, R., Anderson, B., & Smyth, M. (2000)
A framework for engineering metaphor at the user interface. Interacting with Computers, 13(2), (301-322). ISSN 0953-5438
Interface metaphors facilitate the learning of new computer systems by supporting the transformation of existing knowledge in order to improve the comprehension of novel situa...

Remote control by body movement in synchrony with orbiting widgets: an evaluation of TraceMatch

Journal Article
Clarke, C., Bellino, A., Esteves, A., & Gellersen, H. (2017)
Remote control by body movement in synchrony with orbiting widgets: an evaluation of TraceMatch. PACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 1(3), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1145/3130910
In this work we consider how users can use body movement for remote control with minimal effort and maximum flexibility. TraceMatch is a novel technique where the interface di...

Designing e-Participation with Balkan journalists.

Journal Article
Taylor-Smith, E. & Buckner, K. (2008)
Designing e-Participation with Balkan journalists. JeDEM eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government. 1, 12-20. ISSN 2075-9517
This paper describes the use of scenarios as a central part of the design methodology, in a project to create an e-participation initiative, working with the national news age...

TOUCH: Creating interactional artefacts in a physical world

Journal Article
Smyth, M. (1999)
TOUCH: Creating interactional artefacts in a physical world. Interfaces / the British HCI Group newsletter. , 17. ISSN 1351-119X
The maxim states that seeing is believing but that it is touch that determines reality. Instinctively we reach out to touch those objects that attract or perplex. Touch convey...

Motion correlation: selecting objects by matching their movement

Journal Article
Velloso, E., Carter, M., Newn, J., Esteves, A., Gellersen, H., & Clarke, C. (2017)
Motion correlation: selecting objects by matching their movement. ACM transactions on computer-human interaction : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery, 24(3), 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1145/3064937
Selection is a canonical task in user interfaces, commonly supported by presenting objects for acquisition by pointing. In this article, we consider motion correlation as an a...

How older people account for their experiences with interactive technology.

Journal Article
Turner, P., Turner, S. & Van de Walle, G. (2007)
How older people account for their experiences with interactive technology. Behaviour and Information Technology. 26, 287-296. doi:10.1080/01449290601173499. ISSN 0144-929X
We present a qualitative study, undertaken over a period of nine months, of older people facing the challenges of learning to use interactive technology, specifically personal...

Assessing the Relative Importance of an E-learning system Usability Design Characteristics Based on Students' Preferences

Journal Article
Rutter, M. J., Smith, S., & Alshehri, A. (2019)
Assessing the Relative Importance of an E-learning system Usability Design Characteristics Based on Students' Preferences. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 839-855. https://doi.org/10.12973/eu-jer.8.3.839
This study considers the interaction between an e-learning system, the Blackboard system, and the students who use it in Saudi Arabia. While previous work exists, there is lim...

An investigation of using music to provide navigation cues.

Journal Article
LePlâtre, G. & Brewster, S. A. (1997)
An investigation of using music to provide navigation cues. Proceedings of the 1998 international conference on Auditory Display(ICAD '98). , 19
This paper describes an experiment that investigates new principles for representing hierarchical menus such as telephone-based interface menus, with non-speech audio. A hiera...

Messenger in The Barn: networking in a learning environment

Journal Article
Rutter, M. (2009)
Messenger in The Barn: networking in a learning environment. ALT-J : Association for Learning Technology journal, 17, 33-47. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687760802649863
This case study describes the use of a synchronous communication application (MSN Messenger) in a large academic computing environment. It draws on data from interviews, quest...

Towards an account of intuitiveness

Journal Article
Turner, P. (2008)
Towards an account of intuitiveness. Behaviour and Information Technology, 27, 475-482. https://doi.org/10.1080/01449290701292330
Intuitive systems are usable systems. Design guidelines advocate intuitiveness and vendors claim it - but what does it mean for a user interface, interactive system, or device...