23 results

A new adaptive probabilistic broadcast protocol for vehicular networks

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A. Y., Khalaf, M. B., Gharibi, W., & Ouenniche, J. (2015)
A new adaptive probabilistic broadcast protocol for vehicular networks. In 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2015) (4 Vols), (2875-2879). https://doi.org/10.1109/VTCSpring.2015.7145627
In VANETs, there are many applications that use broadcast communication as a fundamental operational tool, in disseminating information of interest to other road users under t...

Fast and reliable hybrid routing for vehicular ad hoc networks.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Kubati, G., Al-Dubai, A., Mackenzie, L., & Pezaros, D. (2013)
Fast and reliable hybrid routing for vehicular ad hoc networks. In 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 20-25. https://doi.org/10.1109/ITST.2013.6685515
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) have been attracting tremendous attention in both academia and industry due to emerging applications that pave the way towards safer ...

The effects of network density of a new counter-based broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks.

Conference Proceeding
Yassein, M. B., Nimer, S. F., & Al-Dubai, A. (2010)
The effects of network density of a new counter-based broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks. In Proceedings of ITA 2010, 1462-1467. https://doi.org/10.1109/CIT.2010.261
Broadcasting is an essential operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) to transmit the message (data packet) from the sender to all other nodes in the network. Flooding is ...

Battery Aware Beacon Enabled IEEE802.15.4: An Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach

Conference Proceeding
Salayma, M., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Yassein, M. B. (2015)
Battery Aware Beacon Enabled IEEE802.15.4: An Adaptive and Cross-Layer Approach. In M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, & M. Paprzycki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, (1267-1272). https://doi.org/10.15439/2015F118
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy conservation is one of the main concerns challenging the cutting-edge standards and protocols. Most existing studies focus on the de...

On High Performance Multicast Algorithms for Interconnection Networks

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., Ould-Khaoua, M., & Romdhani, I. (2006)
On High Performance Multicast Algorithms for Interconnection Networks. In M. Gerndt, & D. Kranzlmüller (Eds.), High Performance Computing and Communications; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 330-339. doi:10.1007/11847366_34
Although multicast communication, in interconnection networks has been a major avenue for a lot of research works found in literature, there are several key issues that should...

Efficient road topology based broadcast protocol for VANETs

Conference Proceeding
Al-Kubati, G., Al-Dubai, A., Mackenzie, L., & Pezaros, D. (2014)
Efficient road topology based broadcast protocol for VANETs. In 2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)https://doi.org/10.1109/WCNC.2014.6952857
Intelligent Transportation Systems have been instrumental in reshaping transportation towards safer roads, seamless logistics, and digital business-oriented services under the...

On The Design of High Throughput Adaptive Multicast Communication

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A. Y., & Romdhani, I. (2007)
On The Design of High Throughput Adaptive Multicast Communication. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC-2007), 37-38. doi:10.1109/ispdc.2007.39
The efficient and high throughput multicast communication in interconnection networks is known as a fundamental but hard problem. In the literature, most of the related works ...

JCSP.mobile: a package enabling mobile processes and channels.

Conference Proceeding
Chalmers, K., & Kerridge, J. (2004)
JCSP.mobile: a package enabling mobile processes and channels. In J. F. Broenink, H. Roebbers, J. Sunter, P. Welch, & D. Wood (Eds.), Communicating Process Architectures 2005, 109-127
The JCSPNet package from Quickstone provides the capability of transparently creating a network of processes that run across a TCP/IP network. The package also contains mecha...

A Performance Study of Path Based Multicast Communication Algorithms

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., & Romdhani, I. (2006)
A Performance Study of Path Based Multicast Communication Algorithms. In International Symposium on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering (PARELEC 2006), 245-250. doi:10.1109/parelec.2006.7
Multicast communication?s history has been driven by many schemes; however, a few have shown their efficiency on interconnection networks. Among these schemes, path based mult...

Performance Investigation of RPL Routing in Pipeline Monitoring WSNs

Conference Proceeding
Wadhaj, I., Gharebi, W., Al-Dubai, A., & Thomson, C. (2018)
Performance Investigation of RPL Routing in Pipeline Monitoring WSNs. In 20th {IEEE} International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; 16th {IEEE} International Conference on Smart City; 4th {IEEE} International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2018https://doi.org/10.1109/HPCC/SmartCity/DSS.2018.00178
The adoption of WSN and IEEE 802.15.4 standard for the linear WSN networks were assumed. The interconnection of WSNs with the Internet is possible by assigning IPv6 addresses ...