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50 results

Height Prediction for Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment Planning Using Deep Learning

Conference Proceeding
Ilyas, M., Ahmad, J., Lawson, A., Khan, J. S., Tahir, A., Adeel, A., …Hussain, A. (2020)
Height Prediction for Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment Planning Using Deep Learning. In Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems. , (76-85).
Prospective studies using longitudinal patient data can be used to help to predict responsiveness to Growth Hormone (GH) therapy and assess any suspected risks. In this paper,...

Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design

Conference Proceeding
Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Paechter, B. (2019)
Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design. In GECCO '19: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. , (383-384).
This study presents a method to evolve planar mechanism prototypes using an evolutionary computing approach. Ultimately, the idea is to provide drafts for designers at the con...

The UK’s eHealth cloud project: EHR and the cloud: assessing the benefits and mitigating the risks.

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Ekonomou, E., Lo, O., Thuemmler, C., & Lawson, A. (2012, January)
The UK’s eHealth cloud project: EHR and the cloud: assessing the benefits and mitigating the risks. Paper presented at Arab Health 2012 (Electronic Healthcare Records), Dubai, United Arab Emirates
This presentation focuses on: - Using the Cloud to provide geographical flexibility and facilitate information exchange to enable the effective treatment of patients across bo...

Using ICT to Supporting Course Developers, Tutors, and Students of Scottish Gaelic.

Presentation / Conference
Lawson, A., Mikuta, P., & Cruickshank, P. (2013, September)
Using ICT to Supporting Course Developers, Tutors, and Students of Scottish Gaelic. Poster presented at EUROCALL, University of Évora
This research and development is aimed at learners, tutors and course developers of Scottish Gaelic. The method of teaching Gaelic being used initially with the system is Ùlpa...

Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis.

Presentation / Conference
Lawson, A., Attridge, A., & Lapok, P. (2014, September)
Guiding learners to near native fluency in English through an adaptive programme of activities which includes phoneme and prosody analysis. Paper presented at Eurocall 2014, University of Groningen
This project aims to address pronunciation problems of English language learners. Current pronunciation software tools mainly address phonemic difficulties and give little or ...

Managing and evaluating personal reputations on the basis of information shared on social media: a Generation X perspective.

Journal Article
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2016)
Managing and evaluating personal reputations on the basis of information shared on social media: a Generation X perspective. Information Research, 21(4),
Introduction. The means by which individuals evaluate the personal reputations of others, and manage their own personal reputations, as determined by information shared on soc...

Crime risk evaluation within information sharing between the Police and community partners.

Journal Article
Uthmani, O., Buchanan, W. J., Lawson, A., Scott, R., Schafer, B., & Fan, L. (2011)
Crime risk evaluation within information sharing between the Police and community partners. Information and Communications Technology Law, 20, 57-81.
The aim of this paper is to provide profiles for crimes which can be used to model the context for information sharing between the police and community partner organisations. ...

Novel information sharing syntax for data sharing between police and community partners, using role-based security.

Conference Proceeding
Uthmani, O., Buchanan, W. J., Lawson, A., Thuemmler, C., Fan, L., Scott, R., …Mooney, C. (2010)
Novel information sharing syntax for data sharing between police and community partners, using role-based security
The exchange of information between the police and community partners forms a central aspect of effective community service provision. In the context of policing, a robust and...

Machine Learning for Health and Social Care Demographics in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Smales, A., Lawson, A., & Chute, C. (2019, November)
Machine Learning for Health and Social Care Demographics in Scotland. Paper presented at HEALTHINFO 2019, Valencia, Spain
This paper outlines an extensive study of applying machine learning to the analysis of publicly available health and social care data within Scotland, with a focus on learning...

Embedding programming skills to support the student journey in networking, security and digital forensics.

Presentation / Conference
Lawson, A., & Macfarlane, R. (2014, April)
Embedding programming skills to support the student journey in networking, security and digital forensics. Paper presented at HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
The development of programming skills by Networking graduates, and Security and Digital Forensics graduates is highly sought after by employers, both in industry, and in acade...
44 results

Infrastructure and Software Prototypes for Collabrorative Arts Projects

2009 - 2009
The Air Iomlaid (On Exchange) project was conceived by artist Julie Brook and Johnny Gailey, Programme Manager for Children and Young People for The Fruitmarket Gallery.   Alistair Lawson  from Centr...
Value: £1,275


2013 - 2014
This IIDI project led by Alistair Lawson,  Pro-talk, is investigating the development of an online analysis software API to enable feedback to be given aimed at helping learners of English for Speaker...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £40,967

Information Sharing between the Police and their Community Partners

2008 - 2011
This is a three year PhD award from the SIPR (Scottish Institute for Policing Research) and focuses on creating new models for information sharing between the police and their community partners.
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £30,000

International Cross Cultural Awareness Training

2015 - 2016
This project will develop a design and “architecture” for a system to deliver the objectives for 1-3 countries. A prototype wireframe will be built to demonstrate the system.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

To develop an on-line learning course for refresher courses in the Licensed Trade

2015 - 2015
The aim of the  project led by Alistair Lawson of IIDI is  is to investigate the development of a visually stimulating, high quality interactive on-line learning package for refresher courses for the ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Next Generation Trust Architecture

2018 - 2020
This work will provide proof-of-concept infrastructures and which will be used to create an ecosystem for strong use cases, and thus attract new funding for the building of new health and social care ...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £149,959


2016 - 2016
Analysis of transactional data provided by real time cloud based ordering systems linked within the food supply chain which targets Foodservice sector
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £19,807

K2L Ltd FeasibilityStudy

2012 - 2013
IIDI and K2L are working together on a project supported under the SFC innovation Voucher scheme.  This project is led by Alistair Lawson of CDCS, and builds on his language learning related research ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Social Media Analysis Reporting Tool (SMART)

2012 - 2013
To develop a commercially viable tool to enable organisations to monitor and understand their organisation’s life on social media beyond those accounts they have created. This project is focused on ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,937

Care Home Data - Governance, Ethics, Access Demonstration Project

2021 - 2021
A scoping and exemplar project on routes to accessing care home individual resident data for use in research and innovation
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £30,000
