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Predicting treatment outcome on three measures for post-traumatic stress disorder

Journal Article
Karatzias, A., Power, K., McGoldrick, T., Brown, K., Buchanan, R., Sharp, D., & Swanson, V. (2007)
Predicting treatment outcome on three measures for post-traumatic stress disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257(1), 40-46. doi:10.1007/s00406-006-0682-2
The aim of the present study was to investigate predictors of treatment outcome for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after treatment completion and at 15-months follow-up ...

Chloride co-transporters as possible therapeutic targets for stroke

Journal Article
Martín-Aragón Baudel, M. A. S., Martín-Aragón Baudel, M. A. S., Poole, A. V., & Darlison, M. G. (2017)
Chloride co-transporters as possible therapeutic targets for stroke. Journal of Neurochemistry, 140(2), 195-209.
Stroke is one of the major causes of death and disability worldwide. The major type of stroke is an ischaemic one, which is caused by a blockage that interrupts blood flow to...

Prevalence of violence risk factors in people at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis: a service audit: Audit of violence risk in a UHR group

Journal Article
Hutton, P., Parker, S., Bowe, S., & Ford, S. (2012)
Prevalence of violence risk factors in people at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis: a service audit: Audit of violence risk in a UHR group. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 6(1), 91-96.
Background: There is little data available on the prevalence of violence risk factors in people at ultra-high risk of developing psychosis. Aim: The aim of this study was to ...

Social responsiveness to inanimate entities: Altered white matter in a ‘social synaesthesia’

Journal Article
Simner, J., Rehme, M., Carmichael, D., Bastin, M., Sprooten, E., McIntosh, A., …Zedler, M. (2016)
Social responsiveness to inanimate entities: Altered white matter in a ‘social synaesthesia’. Neuropsychologia, 91, 282-289.
Judgments about personalities and social traits can be made by relatively brief exposure to animate living things. Here we show that unusual architecture in the microstructure...

Design and protocol for the Focusing on Clozapine Unresponsive Symptoms (FOCUS) trial: a randomised controlled trial

Journal Article
Pyle, M., Schwannauer, M., Norrie, J., Kingdon, D., Gumley, A., Turkington, D., …Morrison, A. P. (2016)
Design and protocol for the Focusing on Clozapine Unresponsive Symptoms (FOCUS) trial: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 16(280),
Background For around a third of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, the condition proves to respond poorly to treatment with many typical and atypical antipsychotics. ...

General psychopathology in anorexia nervosa: the role of psychosocial factors

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Chouliara, Z., Power, K., Collin, P., Yellowlees, A., & Grierson, D. (2010)
General psychopathology in anorexia nervosa: the role of psychosocial factors. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17, 519-527.
The aim of the present study was to investigate psychosocial correlates of comorbid psychopathology. Data were collected from a total of 90 female inpatients with anorexia ner...

Psychosis, delusions and the “jumping to conclusions” reasoning bias: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal Article
Taylor, P., Dudley, R., Wickham, S., & Hutton, P. (2015)
Psychosis, delusions and the “jumping to conclusions” reasoning bias: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42(3), 652-665.
We did a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the magnitude and specificity of the “jumping to conclusions” (JTC) bias in psychosis and delusions. We examined th...

Women with Epilepsy: information needs

Journal Article
Pamela, M. (2007)
Women with Epilepsy: information needs. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(10), 450-450.
County Durham primary care trust's Epilepsy Service held its fi rst annual epilepsy conference, ‘Women with Epilepsy,’ on 26 September 2007. The conference was chaired by Dr T...

Biographical disruption and the experience of loss following a spinal cord injury: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Journal Article
Dickson, A., Allan, D., & O'Carroll, R. (2008)
Biographical disruption and the experience of loss following a spinal cord injury: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Psychology and Health, 23(4), 407-425. doi:10.1080/14768320701219136
Individual in-depth interviews with eight people who had experienced a total spinal cord injury were conducted, focussing on the experience of living with a spinal cord injury...

The replicability of ICD-11 complex post-traumatic stress disorder symptom networks in adults

Journal Article
Knefel, M., Karatzias, T., Ben-Ezra, M., Cloitre, M., Lueger-Schuster, B., & Maercker, A. (2019)
The replicability of ICD-11 complex post-traumatic stress disorder symptom networks in adults. British Journal of Psychiatry, 214(6), 361-368.
Background: The 11th revision of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) includes a new disorder, Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disord...