15 results

Development of a (Green) Roof Environmental Monitoring and Meteorological Network in New York City

Presentation / Conference
Gaffin, S., Khanbilvardi, R., Rosenzweig, C., & Susca, T. (2009, September)
Development of a (Green) Roof Environmental Monitoring and Meteorological Network in New York City. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, Berkeley, California
No abstract available.

Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity Using a Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser Sensor

Journal Article
Mądry, M., Alwis, L., Binetti, L., Pajewski, Ł., & Bereś-Pawlik, E. (2019)
Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Relative Humidity Using a Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(20), 9215-9220. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2019.2922041
A fiber ring laser sensor setup utilizing FBGs (Fiber Bragg Gratings) for simultaneous measurement of ambient temperature and relative humidity (RH) is presented. Two FBGs are...

Surface Albedo in Roofs’ Life Cycle Assessment: Black vs. White.

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T. (2011, June)
Surface Albedo in Roofs’ Life Cycle Assessment: Black vs. White. Presented at ELCAS 2011. 2nd International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium, Nysiros, Greece
No abstract available.

The Contribution of the Albedo in LCA. Black vs. White Roofs: A Case Study in New York

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T., Gaffin, S., & Dell'Osso, G. R. (2010, June)
The Contribution of the Albedo in LCA. Black vs. White Roofs: A Case Study in New York. Presented at SEEP 2010. 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, Bari, Italy
No abstract available.

Wideband tunable PIFA antenna with loaded slot structure for mobile handset and LTE applications

Journal Article
Elfergani, I., Hussaini, A. S., Rodriguez, J., See, C. H., & Abd-Alhameed, R. (2014)
Wideband tunable PIFA antenna with loaded slot structure for mobile handset and LTE applications. Radioengineering, 23(1), 345-355
A compact planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) with a tunable frequency response is presented. Tuning of the resonant frequency is realized by loading a varactor on an embedded sl...

Global and Local Benefits of the Increase in Albedo in European Cities

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T. (2013, July)
Global and Local Benefits of the Increase in Albedo in European Cities. Presented at Dahrendorf Workshop: Low-Carbon Infrastructures, Co-Benefits and Land Taxation in European Cities, Berlin
No abstract available.

Catching Two European Birds With One Renewable Stone Mitigating Climate Change Relieving Recession

Working Paper
Creutzig, F., Christoph Goldschmidt, J., Lehmann, P., Schmid, E., von Blücher, F., Breyer, C., …Susca, T. (2013)
Catching Two European Birds With One Renewable Stone Mitigating Climate Change Relieving Recession
The threat of climate change and other risks for ecosystems and human health require a transition of the energy system from fossil fuels towards renewable energies and higher ...

A temperature and seasonal energy analysis of green, white, and black roofs

Gaffin, S. R., Rosenzweig, C., Eichenbaum-Pikser, J., Khanbilvardi, R., & Susca, T. (2010)
A temperature and seasonal energy analysis of green, white, and black roofs. New York City, New York, USA: Columbia University
No abstract available. Report available - http://www.greengridroofs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Effective-R-value-of-Green-Roofs-Gaffin-et-al.p

The Contribution of the Albedo in LCA Evaluation of Three Roofs

Presentation / Conference
Susca, T., Gaffin, S., & Dell'Osso, G. (2010, May)
The Contribution of the Albedo in LCA Evaluation of Three Roofs. Presented at CYCLE 2010. 4th Canadian Form on the Life Cycle Management of Products and Services, Montreal, Canada
No abstract available.

Heat island effects in urban life cycle assessment: Novel insights to include the effects of the urban heat island and UHI‐mitigation measures in LCA for effective policy making

Journal Article
Susca, T., & Pomponi, F. (2020)
Heat island effects in urban life cycle assessment: Novel insights to include the effects of the urban heat island and UHI‐mitigation measures in LCA for effective policy making. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(2), 410-423. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12980
Urbanization often entails a surge in urban temperature compared to the rural surroundings: the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Such a temperature increase triggers the format...