56 results

Editorial: Ensuring standards in publication ethics.

Journal Article
Smith, G. D., Haigh, C., & Jackson, D. (2014)
Editorial: Ensuring standards in publication ethics. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(1-2), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12687
No abstract available.

Chronic pancreatitis: pathophysiology and patient care

Journal Article
Smith, G., & Fawcett, T. (2006)
Chronic pancreatitis: pathophysiology and patient care. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 4(7), 20-26
Chronic pancreatitis represents a continuous and prolonged inflammatory and fibrosing process in the pancreas resulting in permanent exocrine and often also endocrine dysfunct...

A Tai Chi exercise programme improved exercise behaviour and reduced blood pressure in outpatients with hypertension

Journal Article
Lo, H., Yeh, C., Chang, S., Sung, H., & Smith, G. D. (2012)
A Tai Chi exercise programme improved exercise behaviour and reduced blood pressure in outpatients with hypertension. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18, 545-551. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12006
This two‐group pretest and posttest quasi‐experimental study aimed to evaluate the effects of a Tai Chi exercise programme on exercise behaviour and blood pressure (BP) in out...

Effect of nurse-led gut-directed hypnotherapy upon health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Journal Article
Smith, G. D. (2006)
Effect of nurse-led gut-directed hypnotherapy upon health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15(6), 678-684. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01356.x
Aims and objectives.  This study quantified health-related quality of life in a group of irritable bowel syndrome patients and measures changes following a treatment programme...

Gut-directed hypnotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome

Journal Article
Smith, G. D. (2011)
Gut-directed hypnotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 9(4), 17-18. https://doi.org/10.12968/gasn.2011.9.4.17
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal (GI) condition characterized by abdominal pain, altered bowel habit (constipation and diarrhoea) and abdominal dis...

Herbal medication in the management of non-ulcer dyspepsia

Journal Article
Smith, G. D. (2011)
Herbal medication in the management of non-ulcer dyspepsia. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 9(10), 15-16. https://doi.org/10.12968/gasn.2011.9.10.15
Although not considered part of mainstream medicine, it is estimated that over half of patients with gastrointestinal symptoms have used some form of complementary or alternat...

Irritable bowel syndrome: quality of life and nursing interventions

Journal Article
Smith, G. D. (2006)
Irritable bowel syndrome: quality of life and nursing interventions. British Journal of Nursing, 15(21), 1152-1156
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder. It is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases diagnosed in medical practice and can account for up to 5...

Editorial: Coping with publication ethics

Journal Article
Smith, G. D., Haigh, C., & Jackson, D. (2014)
Editorial: Coping with publication ethics. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(23-24), 3293-3295. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12686
No abstract available.

The structure of stress: Confirmatory factor analysis of a Chinese version of the stressors in Nursing Students Scale (SINS)

Journal Article
Watson, R., Yanhua, C., Ip, M. Y. K., Smith, G. D., Wong, T. K. S., & Deary, I. J. (2013)
The structure of stress: Confirmatory factor analysis of a Chinese version of the stressors in Nursing Students Scale (SINS). Nurse Education Today, 33(2), 160-165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2012.02.013
Background Stress is a feature of the life of nursing students and this had been well studied. However, there are very few instruments to measure stress in nursing students s...

Alverine citrate fails to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Journal Article
Mitchell, S. A., Mee, A. S., Smith, G. D., Palmer, K. R., & Chapman, R. W. (2002)
Alverine citrate fails to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 16(6), 1187-1195. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2036.2002.01277.x
Background : Alverine citrate has been used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome for many years. Aims : To compare the efficacy and safety of a new formulation of alv...


