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42 results

How empathy skills can change nursing.

Journal Article
Atherton, I., & Kyle, R. G. (2014)
How empathy skills can change nursing. Nursing Standard, 29, 24-25.
Empathetic understanding could be the basis of a revolution in nurse education and practice, freeing nurses from a reliance on stereotypical labels that mask the complex reali...

Exploring stakeholder experiences for the MMR and HPV vaccines: A qualitative study in progress.

Presentation / Conference
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., McIntosh, P., & Hogg, R. (2010, April)
Exploring stakeholder experiences for the MMR and HPV vaccines: A qualitative study in progress. Paper presented at Scottish School of Primary Care Conference
Background: Childhood immunisation is an important public health issue which protects against infectious diseases. Uptake of vaccines is complex in the literature with various...

Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Kennedy, C., Gray Brunton, C., Black, P., Campbell, K., & Nicol, J. (2011, September)
Crossing boundaries: the role of the advanced nurse practitioner in an integrated specialist palliative care service in Scotland. Paper presented at European Cancer Congress ECCO
Following international trends, increasing adoption of Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) have occurred in the United Kingdom (UK) in the face of economic drives towards cost...

Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria

Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., Farver, I., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Parve, K., Patarcic, D., …Todorova, I. (2013)
Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Background: Following international trends, the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine was introduced in Europe for protection against infection from common strands of the HPV vi...

Occupational boundary work, community nurses and changes to generalist working: A qualitative case study and the implications for patient care.

Presentation / Conference
Hogg, R., Gray Brunton, C., & Kennedy, C. (2010, April)
Occupational boundary work, community nurses and changes to generalist working: A qualitative case study and the implications for patient care. Poster presented at Scottish School of Primary Care Conference
Background: Changes within community nursing in the United Kingdom have been recently debated. A sociological understanding about ‘boundary work’ in professional disciplines i...

The health and well-being of people with a previous diagnosis of cancer: A record-linkage study in Scotland

Journal Article
Evans, J., Atherton, I., Dibben, C., & Hubbard, G. (2011)
The health and well-being of people with a previous diagnosis of cancer: A record-linkage study in Scotland. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 3, 429-432
Routinely collected health care data (the Scottish Cancer Registry) were record-linked to representative survey data on health and health behaviours (the Government-funded Sco...

Biogeography as critical nursing pedagogy: Breathing life into nurse education

Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., & Atherton, I. M. (2016)
Biogeography as critical nursing pedagogy: Breathing life into nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice, 20, 76-79.
Insights from the social sciences, including geography, sociology, and anthropology, have long been incorporated into pre-registration nursing programmes. However, scholars ha...

Fluid role boundaries: exploring the contribution of the advanced nurse practitioner to multi-professional palliative care

Journal Article
Brooks Young, P., Kennedy, C., Brooks Young, P., Nicol, J., Campbell, K., & Gray Brunton, C. (2015)
Fluid role boundaries: exploring the contribution of the advanced nurse practitioner to multi-professional palliative care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(21-22), 3296-3305.
Aims and objectives To evaluate the introduction of Advanced Nurse Practitioners in a specialist, multi-professional palliative care context. The objective is to explore the c...

The complexities of trust in the delivery of childhood vaccines in Scotland: A qualitative study

Journal Article
Kennedy, C., & Gray Brunton, C. (2011)
The complexities of trust in the delivery of childhood vaccines in Scotland: A qualitative study. Psychology and Health, 26,
Background: The objective was to explore the challenges for health professionals in delivering controversial vaccines, the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, and newly ...

Differences in self-assessed health by socioeconomic group amongst people with and without a history of cancer: an analysis using representative data from Scotland

Journal Article
Atherton, I., Evans, J., Dibben, C. J. L., Woods, L. M., & Hubbard, G. (2012)
Differences in self-assessed health by socioeconomic group amongst people with and without a history of cancer: an analysis using representative data from Scotland. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 6, 458-467.
Introduction This paper considers socioeconomic inequalities in self-assessed health amongst people with and without a history of cancer using representative data from Scotla...