25 results

Traffic consolidation in East Asian container ports: a network flow analysis.

Journal Article
Wang, Y., & Cullinane, K. (2014)
Traffic consolidation in East Asian container ports: a network flow analysis. Transportation research. Part A, Policy and practice, 61C, 152-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2014.01.007
The proliferation of hub-and-spoke operations in maritime container transportation has resulted in the widespread consolidation of traffic flows. Utilising liner shipping netw...

Dry ports, port centric logistics and offshore logistics hubs: strategies to overcome double peripherality.

Presentation / Conference
Monios, J., & Wilmsmeier, G. (2011, April)
Dry ports, port centric logistics and offshore logistics hubs: strategies to overcome double peripherality. Paper presented at Associationof American Georaphers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA
Scotland's low accessibility is reflected in the limited share of Scottish unitised freight traffic coming through Scottish ports. This paper will consider site development st...

Identifying material, geographical and institutional mobilities in the global maritime trade system.

Book Chapter
Monios, J., & Wilmsmeier, G. (2015)
Identifying material, geographical and institutional mobilities in the global maritime trade system
Objects and materials are on the move like never before, often at astonishing speeds and along hidden routeways. This collection opens to social scientific scrutiny the variou...

The impact of container type diversification on regional British port development strategies

Journal Article
Monios, J., & Wilmsmeier, G. (2014)
The impact of container type diversification on regional British port development strategies. Transport Reviews, 34, 583-606. https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2014.946457
Despite a concentration of container traffic in the southeast of the UK over the last few decades, regional ports are attempting new development strategies to capture or retai...

Efficiency, productivity and returns to scale in ports: a comparison of data envelopment analysis and econometric estimation with application to Caribbean Small Island Developing States

Journal Article
Julien, S., Cowie, J., & Monios, J. (2020)
Efficiency, productivity and returns to scale in ports: a comparison of data envelopment analysis and econometric estimation with application to Caribbean Small Island Developing States. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 22(2), 239-264. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41278-018-0115-y
This paper investigates the evolutionary technical efficiency and productivity of ports in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The focus is primarily on Caribbean SIDS, ben...

Developing a framework for standardising and harmonising intermodal terminal concession contracts.

Presentation / Conference
Monios, J., & Bergqvist, R. (2015, June)
Developing a framework for standardising and harmonising intermodal terminal concession contracts. Paper presented at 4th Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures, Florence
Much effort goes into planning of freight infrastructure to achieve government policy aims of modal shift, and governments (and government-backed infrastructure managers and r...

Cascading feeder vessels and the rationalisation of small container ports

Journal Article
Monios, J. (2017)
Cascading feeder vessels and the rationalisation of small container ports. Journal of Transport Geography, 59, 88-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.02.001
Small container ports rely on feeder services from hub ports to provide access to unitised trade flows for their hinterlands. They generally possess limited water depth and ha...

A note on climate change adaptation for seaports: a challenge for global ports, a challenge for global society.

Journal Article
Becker, A. H., Acciaro, M., Asariotis, R., Cabrera, E., Cretegny, L., Crist, P., …Velegrakis, A. F. (2013)
A note on climate change adaptation for seaports: a challenge for global ports, a challenge for global society. Climatic Change, 120, 683-695. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-013-0843-z
With 80 % of world trade carried by sea, seaports provide crucial linkages in global supply-chains and are essential for the ability of all countries to access global markets....

A Competitive Analysis of Chinese Container Ports Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Book Chapter
Song, D., & Yeo, G. (2015)
A Competitive Analysis of Chinese Container Ports Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. In H. Haralambides (Ed.), Port Management, 339-359. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137475770_16
Over 20% of the world's container traffic occurs from Asian ports. China's entry into the market has significantly stimulated this process. Since China adopted its liberalised...

Identifying governance relationships between intermodal terminals and logistics platforms.

Journal Article
Monios, J. (2015)
Identifying governance relationships between intermodal terminals and logistics platforms. Transport Reviews, 35(6), https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2015.1053103
Governance theory examines different ways of managing resources and relationships in order to achieve a desired outcome. This paper applies governance theory to intermodal ter...
