23 results

What can we learn from ‘unpopular’ music and its audiences?

Presentation / Conference
Atton, C. (2014, April)
What can we learn from ‘unpopular’ music and its audiences?. Paper presented at Studying Music: An International Conference in Honour of Simon Frith, University of Edinburgh
The sociology of popular music has tended to eschew conventional musicological approaches and instead to locate the listening experience as one rooted in social uses and pleas...

Activist media as mainstream model: what can professional journalists learn from Indymedia?

Atton, C. (2010)
Activist media as mainstream model: what can professional journalists learn from Indymedia?. In B. Franklin, & M. Carlson (Eds.), Journalists, Sources and Credibility: New Perspectives, 61-75. Routledge

Theorizing Anglo-American alternative media: toward a contextual history and analysis of US and UK scholarship.

Journal Article
Hamilton, J. F. & Atton, C. (2000)
Theorizing Anglo-American alternative media: toward a contextual history and analysis of US and UK scholarship. Media History. 7, 119-135. doi:10.1080/13688800120092200. ISSN 1368-8804

What can journalism educators learn from alternative media practitioners?

Presentation / Conference
Atton, C. (2002, November)
What can journalism educators learn from alternative media practitioners?. Paper presented at Scottish Media and Communication Association Annual Conference, Glasgow

Activist media as mainstream source: what can professional journalists learn from Indymedia?

Presentation / Conference
Atton, C. (2009, September)
Activist media as mainstream source: what can professional journalists learn from Indymedia?. Paper presented at The Future of Journalism, University of Cardiff

Alternative media

Atton, C. (2002)
Alternative media. SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781446220153
What are 'alternative media'? Are they the same as underground, radical or oppositional media? In this book, Chris Atton offers a fresh introduction to alternative media: one ...

Continental Drift: 50 years of jazz from Europe

Conference Proceeding
Medboe, H., Bares, W., Webster, E., Frost Fadnes, P., Inglis, C., Kahr, M., …Heyman, M. (2017)
Continental Drift: 50 years of jazz from Europe. In Z. Moir, & C. Atton (Eds.), Continental Drift: 50 years of jazz from Europe - Conference Proceedings. , (v-vi
Following popular exposure in France to the proto-jazz of James Reese Europe and his 369th “Harlem Hellfighters” Infantry Regiment during the latter years of WW1, the jazz bug...

Review of "Progressive Rock Reconsidered"

Journal Article
Atton, C. (2002)
Review of "Progressive Rock Reconsidered". Popular Music. 21, 386-388. doi:10.1017/S026114300226225X,. ISSN 0261-1430

Anarchy on the Internet: obstacles and opportunities for alternative electronic publishing.

Journal Article
Atton, C. (1995)
Anarchy on the Internet: obstacles and opportunities for alternative electronic publishing. Anarchist studies. 4, 115-132
The article summarises the constraints on alternative (print) publishing: economic, legal and social. It suggests that electronic publishing on the Internet might dispense wit...

Popular music fanzines: genre, aesthetics, and the “Democratic Conversation”

Journal Article
Atton, C. (2010)
Popular music fanzines: genre, aesthetics, and the “Democratic Conversation”. Popular Music and Society, 33, 517-531. https://doi.org/10.1080/03007761003694316
Research into fanzines has tended to locate them as subcultural artefacts whose significance is found in their symbolic fit with the subculture responsible for producing them....


8 results

Anglophone Sub-Sahara African video industry: a new paradigmatic practice of movie--making

2006 - 2013
The subject of this study is Sub-Sahara Africa Anglophone Video-moviemaking and the research process is an emp...
Kofi Boateng | Director of Studies: Roberta McGrath | Second Supervisor: Dr C. Paul Sellors

Raploch stories: continuity and innovation in television documentary production

2011 - 2014
This thesis provides an ‘insider account’ of the process of making contemporary ‘observational’ documentaries from within...
Alistair Scott | Director of Studies: Prof Chris Atton

Film Bang: Communities of Practice, Cross Media Interconnections, and Sectoral Growth within Scotland's Film and Television Industries

2021 - date
This research project investigates the historical evolution of the...
Nelson Correia | Director of Studies: Dr Alistair Scott | Second Supervisor: Dr Kirsten MacLeod

Copyright in Scotland: is the Scottish publishing industry capitalising on its intellectual property?

2007 - 2012
The aim of this study is to understand the operational practices of copyright exploitation and prot...
Melanie Ramdarshan | Director of Studies: Caroline Copeland | Second Supervisor: Prof Alistair Mccleery

Cultural identity and transnational heritage in contemporary jazz: a practice-based study of composition and collaboration

2011 - 2013
This study focuses on three albums of original music performed and recorded by...
Prof Haftor Medboe | Director of Studies: Prof Chris Atton

Changes in media policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: the role of alternative journalists

2010 - 2014
This thesis considers the role of community media in contemporary media policy developments of Anglophone Sub-Saharan ...
Patrick Okon | Director of Studies: Prof Chris Atton | Second Supervisor: Dr Alistair Scott

Digital gardens with real toads: in what ways have heritage and digital practices fused to form hybrid methods in moving image design?

2011 - 2013
This thesis is a critical examination of my own creative practice ...
Dr Iain Macdonald | Director of Studies: Prof Chris Atton

New technologies and print journalism practice in Zimbabwe: an ethnographic study

2007 - 2010
This study uses an ethnographic approach (participant observation in conjunction with indepth group and individual inte...
Hayes Mabweazara | Director of Studies: Prof Chris Atton | Second Supervisor: Prof Alistair Duff

