5 results

A comparison between Volumetric Timber Manufacturing Strategies in the UK and mainland Europe

Presentation / Conference
Duncheva, M., & Bradley, F. F. (2016, September)
A comparison between Volumetric Timber Manufacturing Strategies in the UK and mainland Europe. Paper presented at Modular and Offsite Construction Summit (MOC), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
The construction sector in the UK is currently being challenged by an urgent need to produce housing. This requirement is within a context of increasingly stringent greenhouse...

Increasing offsite housing construction in Scotland: An evidence base to support new policy and systems

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A., Hairstans, R., Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., …Lang, V. (2020)
Increasing offsite housing construction in Scotland: An evidence base to support new policy and systems. Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, Scottish Enterprise. and the Scottish Government
The purpose of this project is to provide evidence of the potential contribution offsite construction offers to address the challenges faced by the affordable housing sector i...

Bim-enabled health & safety analysis of cross laminated timber onsite assembly process.

Conference Proceeding
Duncheva, T., BuHamdan, S., Hairstans, R., & Al-Hussein, M. (2018)
Bim-enabled health & safety analysis of cross laminated timber onsite assembly process. In A. G. BRUZZONE, F. LONGO, F. DE FELICE, C. FRYDMAN, M. MASSEI, & A. SOLIS (Eds.), MAS 2018
There is a global need for sustainable urban housing and offsite timber systems such as Cross Laminated Timber construction can be part of the solution to this need. However, ...

Decision Support Tool for Enhancing the Economic Impact of Construction using Offsite Systems

Conference Proceeding
Duncheva, T., & Hairstans, R. (2019)
Decision Support Tool for Enhancing the Economic Impact of Construction using Offsite Systems. In Proceedings of the 2019 Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit (116-123). https://doi.org/10.29173/mocs84
The construction industry is facing productivity stagnation across the globe, and several hypotheses to explain this phenomenon exist, most often associated with low use of di...

Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood

Presentation / Conference
Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., & Hairstans, R. (2018, June)
Sustainable Communities Premanufactured from Wood. Poster presented at Timber 2018
The UK produces high quantities of softwood timber through forestry plantations concentrated in Scotland, however this resource is currently under-used and its full potential ...


