9 results

Edinburgh leading world in beating online crime.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
Edinburgh leading world in beating online crime. The Scotsman
Cyber security surges ahead in the capital, says Bill Buchanan As we become more dependent on the internet by the day, the risks around it also increase, especially from cyber...

Fighting knife crime: if police worked closely with academic experts, they’d be less gung-ho about stop and search

O'Neill, M., & Aston, E. (2019)
Fighting knife crime: if police worked closely with academic experts, they’d be less gung-ho about stop and search. https://theconversation.com/fear-of-police-stop-and-search-can-deter-opioid-users-from-carrying-anti-overdose-kits-102955

Chopping off the rhino’s horn and the war on wildlife crime

Gilchrist, J. (2014)
Chopping off the rhino’s horn and the war on wildlife crime
No abstract available.

D. V. Bishop on deception and lies in his explosive debut historical thriller, City of Vengeance

Bishop, D. (2021)
D. V. Bishop on deception and lies in his explosive debut historical thriller, City of Vengeance. https://www.panmacmillan.com/blogs/crime-thriller/d-v-bishop-city-of-vengeance
D. V. Bishop’s thriller City of Vengeance is set in sixteenth-century Florence, a city of intrigue, lies and political machinations. Here he discusses the lies men tell in the...

Rhino horn must become a socially unacceptable product in Asia

Gilchrist, J. (2018)
Rhino horn must become a socially unacceptable product in Asia
No abstract available.

Better locks to secure our data are the inevitable result of too many prying eyes

Buchanan, W. J. (2014)
Better locks to secure our data are the inevitable result of too many prying eyes
Robert Hannigan, the new head of British signals intelligence agency GCHQ, has accused technology companies of aiding terrorists and criminals by providing them secure communi...

Police stop and search: How academics can help forces to get their tactics right

O'Neill, M., & Aston, E. (2019)
Police stop and search: How academics can help forces to get their tactics right. [https://policinginsight.com/features/opinion/police-stop-and-search-how-academics-can-help-forces-to-get-their-tactics-right/]
With knife crime rising, the controversy over the use and benefits of stop and search takes on greater urgency. Dr Megan O'Neill of the University of Dundee and Dr Liz Aston o...

Covid-19 Implications for Policing

Aston, E. (2020)
Covid-19 Implications for Policing. https://sccjrblog.wordpress.com/2020/04/30/covid-19-implications-for-policing/
Aston, E. (2020). Covid-19 Implications for Policing. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Blog. https://sccjrblog.wordpress.com/2020/04/30/covid-19-implications-for...

Walking in the footsteps of Florentine history

Bishop, D. (2021)
Walking in the footsteps of Florentine history. http://www.historiamag.com/walking-footsteps-florentine-history/
DV Bishop tells Historia how valuable it is to get your feet on the street when doing historical research, as he found while writing his novel, City of Vengeance, set in Flore...



