21 results

Influence of containing walls on the distribution of voidage in packed beds of uniform spheres

Journal Article
Kubie, J. (1988)
Influence of containing walls on the distribution of voidage in packed beds of uniform spheres. Chemical Engineering Science, 43(6), 1403-1405. https://doi.org/10.1016/0009-2509%2888%2985113-3
The distribution of voidage in the wall regions of randomly packed beds of uniform spheres is investigated. A general equation relating the local voidage to the distribution o...

Performance and design of plug‐type check valves

Journal Article
Kubie, J. (1982)
Performance and design of plug‐type check valves. Proceedings / Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 196(1982), 47-56. https://doi.org/10.1243/pime_proc_1982_196_006_02
Plug check valves are frequently used in high pressure systems where parallel pump operations are envisaged, in order to prevent flow recirculation through the out-of-service ...

A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

Journal Article
Zhang, X., Muneer, T., & Kubie, J. (2002)
A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes. Lighting Research and Technology, 34(2), 149-168. https://doi.org/10.1191/1365782802li041oa
Due to an increasing demand for an improvement in environmental conditions for living and a need for energy saving, development of daylight exploitation products has accelerat...

A design tool for predicting the performances of light pipes

Journal Article
Jenkins, D., Muneer, T., & Kubie, J. (2005)
A design tool for predicting the performances of light pipes. Energy and Buildings, 37(5), 485-492. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2004.09.014
Light pipes are simple means of directing daylight (diffuse and direct light) into interior spaces. Previous work by the authors described the initial work on a luminous flux ...

Penetration of tubulars into horizontal oil wells

Journal Article
McCourt, I., Truslove, T., & Kubie, J. (2002)
Penetration of tubulars into horizontal oil wells. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 216(12), 1237-1245. https://doi.org/10.1243/095440602321029472
Penetration of tubulars into horizontal oil wells is investigated in this work. Locking of the tubulars by frictional forces alone is modelled by inserting small diameter rubb...

Two years of measured performance of a medium-sized building integrated photovoltaic facility at Napier University, Edinburgh.

Conference Proceeding
Clarke, P., Davidson, A., Kubie, J. & Muneer, T. (2007)
Two years of measured performance of a medium-sized building integrated photovoltaic facility at Napier University, Edinburgh

Design of a PV driven low flow solar domestic hot water system and modelling of the system collector outlet temperature.

Journal Article
Grassie, T., MacGregor, K., Muneer, T., & Kubie, J. (2002)
Design of a PV driven low flow solar domestic hot water system and modelling of the system collector outlet temperature. Energy Conversion and Management, 43, 1063-1078. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0196-8904%2801%2900090-5
The system under consideration comprises a new freeze tolerant flat plate collector connected directly to a domestic hot water storage tank. Water is circulated by means of a ...

Evaluation of a new photodiode sensor for measuring global and diffuse irradiance, and sunshine duration.

Journal Article
Wood, J., Muneer, T. & Kubie, J. (2007)
Evaluation of a new photodiode sensor for measuring global and diffuse irradiance, and sunshine duration. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 125, 1-6. doi:10.1115/1.1531149. ISSN 0199-6231
A new integrated device (called the BF3) has been developed, which enables the simultaneous measurement of horizontal global and diffuse irradiance as well as sunshine presenc...

Windows in buildings: thermal, acoustic, visual and solar performance.

Muneer, T., & Kubie, J. (1999)
Windows in buildings: thermal, acoustic, visual and solar performance. Architectural Press

The teaching of thermodynamics today.

Bartlett, R., & Kubie, J. (2015)
The teaching of thermodynamics today. In M. W. Collins, R. C. Dougal, C. Koenig, & I. S. Ruddock (Eds.), Kelvin, Thermodynamics and the Natural World; WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, 261-271. WITPRESS LTD. doi:10.2495/978-1-84564-149-8/011
Although there are several robust theories of ‘thermodynamics’ operating very successfully over a range of different disciplines, for example, biology, chemistry, geoscience, ...


