8 results

Participatory polyvocal performative and playful interpreting Resnik’s 4 for creative placemaking with digital tools

Book Chapter
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Jamieson, K. (in press)
Participatory polyvocal performative and playful interpreting Resnik’s 4 for creative placemaking with digital tools. In D. Giglitto, L. Ciolfi, E. Lockley, & E. Kaldeli (Eds.), Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage: Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. Routledge

Digi-Mapping: Unpacking Meaning of Place Through Creative Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., & Jamieson, K. (2021, February)
Digi-Mapping: Unpacking Meaning of Place Through Creative Technology. Paper presented at Cultural Heritage and Social Impact: Digital Technologies for Inclusion and Participation, Online
Examining heritage can provide opportunities for marginalised communities to consider and valorise both their collective past and the relationality of more personal and mundan...

Edinburgh: the festival gaze and its boundaries

Journal Article
Jamieson, K. (2004)
Edinburgh: the festival gaze and its boundaries. Space and Culture, 7(1), 64-75. https://doi.org/10.1177/1206331203256853
This article examines the temporal and spatial boundaries of Edinburgh’s festival identity. It unravels Edinburgh’s festivals in terms of the spaces and identities they produc...

Digi-Mapping: Unpacking meaning of place through Creative Technology

Presentation / Conference
Grandison, T., Flint, T., Jamieson, K., & Muir, L. (2020, August)
Digi-Mapping: Unpacking meaning of place through Creative Technology. Paper presented at ACHS 2020 FUTURES – Association of Critical Heritage Studies 5th Biennial Conference, University College London, UK
Personal meaning attached to space through digital media gives rise to contested narratives and reveals a polyvocality of place (Farman, 2018). Attributing meaning or ensoulme...

Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014

Lambert, I., Firth, R., MacLeod, M., Forster, S., Innes, M., Winton, E., …Titley, W. (2014)
Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014. Edinburgh Napier University
Editorial -Welcome to the third issue of the Journal for Design Practice & Research. The last 18 months has been an extremely busy time for us. We have continued to grow as a ...

Exploring Deaf heritage futures through critical design and ‘Public Things’

Journal Article
Jamieson, K., & Discepoli, M. (2021)
Exploring Deaf heritage futures through critical design and ‘Public Things’. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 27(2), 117-133. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2020.1771750
Increasingly, critical design methods offer heritage scholars new ways of exploring identities, experiences and relationships, extending a dialogic approach that supports the ...

The transgressive festival imagination and the idealisation of reversal

Journal Article
Jamieson, K., & Todd, L. (2021)
The transgressive festival imagination and the idealisation of reversal. Leisure Studies, 40(1), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2019.1693090
To consider the festival's potential as an activist tactic may seem naïve and disconnected from the colonising practices of event tourism. However, today's immersive and curat...

Negotiating privileged networks and exclusive mobilities: the case for a Deaf festival in Scotland’s festival city

Journal Article
Jamieson, K., & Todd, L. (2022)
Negotiating privileged networks and exclusive mobilities: the case for a Deaf festival in Scotland’s festival city. Annals of Leisure Research, 25(1), 5-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/11745398.2020.1809478
We explore the case for a Deaf festival in Edinburgh, the self-proclaimed 'world leading Festival City'. The formal recognition of British Sign Language in the BSL (Scotland) ...
