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Recovering faces from memory: the distracting influence of external facial features.

Journal Article
Frowd, C. D., Skelton, F. C., Atherton, C., Pitchford, M., Hepton, G., Holden, L., …Hancock, P. J. B. (2012)
Recovering faces from memory: the distracting influence of external facial features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 224-238.
Recognition memory for unfamiliar faces is facilitated when contextual cues (e.g. head pose, background environment, hair and clothing) are consistent between study and test. ...

Recovering from childhood sexual abuse: a theoretical framework for practice and research.

Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., Karatzias, T., & Gullone, A. (2013)
Recovering from childhood sexual abuse: a theoretical framework for practice and research. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, 69-78.
Research on survivors' experiences of recovering from childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been limited and focused on those with severe mental health difficulties. This study eli...

Whole-face procedures for recovering facial images from memory.

Journal Article
Frowd, C. D., Skelton, F. C., Hepton, G., Holden, L., Minahil, S., Pitchford, M., …Hancock, P. J. B. (2013)
Whole-face procedures for recovering facial images from memory. Science & Justice, 53, 89-97.
Research has indicated that traditional methods for accessing facial memories usually yield unidentifiable images. Recent research, however, has made important improvements i...

Hyper and hypo-activation affective dysregulation symptoms are integral in complex PTSD (CPTSD): Results from a non-clinical Israeli sample

Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Hyland, P., Ben-Ezra, M., & Shevlin, M. (2018)
Hyper and hypo-activation affective dysregulation symptoms are integral in complex PTSD (CPTSD): Results from a non-clinical Israeli sample. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 27(4), 1-7.
Objectives: The current study sought to further assess the nature of the Affect Dysregulation (AD) cluster of the ICD-11 proposal for Complex PTSD (CPTSD) in a non-clinical sa...

The Lady of Shalott: insights gained from using visual methods and interviews exploring the lived experience of codependency

Journal Article
Bacon, I., McKay, E. A., Reynolds, F., & McIntyre, A. (2017)
The Lady of Shalott: insights gained from using visual methods and interviews exploring the lived experience of codependency. Qualitative Methods in Psychology,
Codependency is a complex human experience with many meanings. The experiences of self-identified codependent individuals, who attend 12 steps groups are largely missing from ...

On Depression and Subjectivity: A Lacanian Approach

Johnson, R. A. On Depression and Subjectivity: A Lacanian Approach. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The signifier of ‘depression’, substantiated by dominant therapeutic practices such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and constructed by mainstream psychological discourse, is ...

Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Signification of the Phallus' to 'Metaphor of the Subject'

Vanheule, S., Hook, D., & Neill, C. (Eds.)
(2018). Reading Lacan's Ecrits: From 'Signification of the Phallus' to 'Metaphor of the Subject'. London/New York: Routledge.
The Écrits was Jacques Lacan’s single most important text, a landmark in psychoanalysis which epitomized his aim of returning to Freud via structural linguistics, philosophy a...

Children’s gaze behaviour at real-world and simulated road crossings

Egan, C. D. Children’s gaze behaviour at real-world and simulated road crossings. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Children and older adults are overrepresented in pedestrian accidents (Department for Transport, 2010a, 2010b). Gaze behaviour is cited as a contributing factor in the majorit...

Applying Experientialism to HCI Methods.

Imaz, M. Applying Experientialism to HCI Methods. (Thesis)
Napier University. Retrieved from
The aim of this thesis is to incorporate the results of Experientialism in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction. The purpose is twofold: on the one hand it shows how some ...

Emotional intelligence among nursing students: Findings from a cross-sectional study

Journal Article
Štiglic, G., Cilar, L., Novak, Ž., Vrbnjak, D., Stenhouse, R., Snowden, A., & Pajnkihar, M. (2018)
Emotional intelligence among nursing students: Findings from a cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today,
Background Emotional intelligence in nursing is of global interest. International studies identify that emotional intelligence influences nurses' work and relationships with p...



