35 results

Pedagogical Innovation to Establish Partnerships in Adolescent Health Promotion: Lessons From a Scottish Undergraduate Nursing Program

Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., Angus, N. J., Smith, J., Stewart, C., & MacLennan, F. (2015)
Pedagogical Innovation to Establish Partnerships in Adolescent Health Promotion: Lessons From a Scottish Undergraduate Nursing Program. Pedagogy in health promotion, 1(2), 83-90. https://doi.org/10.1177/2373379915575531
Nurses have an established and expanding role in health promotion in support of public health strategies to reduce health inequalities, refocus health care on prevention, and ...

Enhancing parents' confidence to care in acute childhood illness: triangulation of findings from a mixed methods study of Community Children's Nursing

Journal Article
Callery, P., Kyle, R. G., Banks, M., Ewing, C., & Kirk, S. (2013)
Enhancing parents' confidence to care in acute childhood illness: triangulation of findings from a mixed methods study of Community Children's Nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 2538-2548. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.12141
Background: Children's emergency hospital use is of concern internationally, but there has been little examination of home care by nurses. Aims: To examine the care provided b...

Beyond ‘the paradox of our own complicity’: the place of activism and identity in ‘voluntary sector’ stories from Manchester and Auckland

Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., Kearns, R., & Milligan, C. (2014)
Beyond ‘the paradox of our own complicity’: the place of activism and identity in ‘voluntary sector’ stories from Manchester and Auckland. Social and Cultural Geography, 16(3), 315-331. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2014.983148
This paper problematises ‘sectors’ as the core organising concept for spaces within social policy and ‘third sector’ theory and practice. It does so by drawing on (auto) biogr...

“I know exactly what I'm going into”: recommendations for pre-nursing experience from an evaluation of a pre-nursing scholarship in rural Scotland.

Journal Article
Smith, A., Beattie, M., & Kyle, R. G. (2015)
“I know exactly what I'm going into”: recommendations for pre-nursing experience from an evaluation of a pre-nursing scholarship in rural Scotland. Nursing Open, 2(3), 105-118. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.23
Aim To develop a model of pre-nursing experience from evaluation of a pre-nursing scholarship for school pupils in Scotland. Design Action research study. Methods School pupil...

From Placards to Partnership: the changing nature of community activism and infrastructure in Manchester, UK and Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Working Paper
Milligan, C., Kyle, R. G., Bondi, L., Fyfe, N. R., Kearns, R. A. & Larner, W. (2007)
From Placards to Partnership: the changing nature of community activism and infrastructure in Manchester, UK and Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand.
First paragraph: This report details the findings of a comprehensive cross-national analysis of how new sites of local governance, particularly partnerships, act to encourage ...

How empathy skills can change nursing.

Journal Article
Atherton, I., & Kyle, R. G. (2014)
How empathy skills can change nursing. Nursing Standard, 29, 24-25. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns.29.11.24.s28
Empathetic understanding could be the basis of a revolution in nurse education and practice, freeing nurses from a reliance on stereotypical labels that mask the complex reali...

Sadness, socialisation and shifted perceptions: School pupils' stories of a pre-nursing scholarship

Journal Article
Beattie, M., Smith, A., & Kyle, R. G. (2014)
Sadness, socialisation and shifted perceptions: School pupils' stories of a pre-nursing scholarship. Nurse Education Today, 34, 894-898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2014.01.016
Background: Providing opportunities for aspirant nurses to obtain pre-nursing experience features prominently in the UK Government's response to The Francis Inquiry. Evidence ...

Cancer symptom awareness and barriers to medical help seeking in Scottish adolescents: a cross-sectional study.

Journal Article
Hubbard, G., Macmillan, I., Canny, A., Forbat, L., Neal, R. D., O’Carroll, R. E., …Kyle, R. G. (2014)
Cancer symptom awareness and barriers to medical help seeking in Scottish adolescents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 14, 1117. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-1117
Background: Initiatives to promote early diagnosis include raising public awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer and addressing barriers to seeking medical help about cance...

Biogeography as critical nursing pedagogy: Breathing life into nurse education

Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., & Atherton, I. M. (2016)
Biogeography as critical nursing pedagogy: Breathing life into nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice, 20, 76-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2016.07.006
Insights from the social sciences, including geography, sociology, and anthropology, have long been incorporated into pre-registration nursing programmes. However, scholars ha...

Sun protection education for adolescents: a feasibility study of a wait-list controlled trial of an intervention involving a presentation, action planning, and SMS messages and using objective measurement of sun exposure

Journal Article
Hubbard, G., Cherrie, J., Gray, J., Kyle, R. G., Nioi, A., Wendelboe-Nelson, C., …Dombrowski, S. (2020)
Sun protection education for adolescents: a feasibility study of a wait-list controlled trial of an intervention involving a presentation, action planning, and SMS messages and using objective measurement of sun exposure. BMC Public Health, 20, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-8265-0
Background: People increase their risk of melanoma unless they are protected from the harmful effects of sun exposure during childhood and adolescence. We aimed to assess the ...


