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58 results

Models for Estimating Solar Radiation and Illuminance From Meteorological Parameters

Journal Article
Muneer, T., Gul, M. S., & Kubie, J. (2000)
Models for Estimating Solar Radiation and Illuminance From Meteorological Parameters. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 122(3), 146.
Sunshine fraction, cloud amount, temperature, and global irradiation are the most commonly measured meteorological parameters. In this article five models based mainly on the ...

Prospects for large-scale solar thermal electricity generation from the LIBYAN desert: technical feasibility.

Conference Proceeding
Aldali, Y., Henderson, D., & Muneer, T. (2009)
Prospects for large-scale solar thermal electricity generation from the LIBYAN desert: technical feasibility. In Proceedings of the ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, (517-525).
The Great Sahara desert covers the entire range of Libyan longitude 11o 44’ to 23o 58’ E and a latitude range of 24o 17’ through to 30o 31’N, thus covering an area of 1,750,00...

Developing multiple regression models from the manufacturer's ground-source heat pump catalogue data.

Journal Article
Ordoñez, J., Girard, A., Simon, F., Reddy, T., & Muneer, T. (2016)
Developing multiple regression models from the manufacturer's ground-source heat pump catalogue data. Renewable Energy, 95, 413-421.
The performance of ground-source heat pumps (GSHP), often expressed as Power drawn and/or the COP, depends on several operating parameters. Manufacturers usually publish such ...

A validated design simulation tool for passive solar space heating: Results from a monitored house in West Lothian, Scotland.

Journal Article
Girard, A., Muneer, T., & Caceres, G. (2014)
A validated design simulation tool for passive solar space heating: Results from a monitored house in West Lothian, Scotland. Indoor and Built Environment, 23, 353-372.
Determining the availability of renewable sources on a particular site would result in increasing the efficiency of buildings through appropriate design. The overall aim of th...

Excel-VBA: From Solving Mathematical Puzzles to Analysing Complex Engineering Problems

Muneer, T., & Ivanova, S. (2022)
Excel-VBA: From Solving Mathematical Puzzles to Analysing Complex Engineering Problems. Cham: Springer.
This compact text is a powerful introduction to the Excel/VBA computing environment. The book presents some of the most useful features of Excel. First by introducing mathemat...

An investigation of possible improvements in accuracy of regressions between diffuse and global solar irradiation.

Journal Article
Clarke, P., Munawwar, S., Davidson, A., Muneer, T. & Kubie, J. (2007)
An investigation of possible improvements in accuracy of regressions between diffuse and global solar irradiation. Building Service Engineering Research and Technology. 28, 189-197. doi:10.1177/0143624407076907
Horizontal hourly and sub-hourly diffuse and beam irradiance are required for the estimation of global irradiance on a given tilted surface. This information is used by engine...

Smart design of stand-alone Solar PV system for off-grid electrification projects.

Book Chapter
Mohanty, P., & Muneer, T. (2014)
Smart design of stand-alone Solar PV system for off-grid electrification projects. In S. C. Bhattacharyya, & D. Palit (Eds.), Mini-Grids for Rural Electrification of Developing Countries: Analysis and Case Studies from South Asia, 63-93. Springer International Publishing.
Solar PV has seen a remarkable growth across the globe with the total PV installation now exceeding several gigawatts (GW). The technology has the versatility and flexibility ...

Driven Performance of Electric Vehicles in Edinburgh and Its Environs

Journal Article
Milligan, R., Etxebarria, S., Muneer, T., & Jadraque Gago, E. (2019)
Driven Performance of Electric Vehicles in Edinburgh and Its Environs. Energies, 12(16), 3074.
Fuelled by energy security problems and urban air pollution challenges, several countries worldwide have set the objective to gradually eliminate petrol and diesel cars. The i...

Experimental and CFD Investigation of an ICSSWH at various inclinations.

Journal Article
Henderson, D., Junaidi, H., Muneer, T., Grassie, T., & Currie, J. (2007)
Experimental and CFD Investigation of an ICSSWH at various inclinations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11, 1087-1116.
The integrated collector storage (ICS) is the type of solar water heater that has retained its existance for well over a century. The flat absorber plate ICS collector type is...

Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance

Journal Article
Aldali, Y., Davison, B., Muneer, T., & Henderson, D. (2012)
Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 134,
This paper presents arguments for the use of direct steam generation (DSG) in preference to other forms of generation in particular locations according to the prevailing envir...
5 results

COincident Probabilistic climate change weather data for a Sustainable built Environment

2008 - 2011
This project will develop sound methods for future climate change data for building designers to use for new buildings and refurbishments that could last to the end of this century. The principal appl...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £87,293

Renewables to Potatoes Cold Storage for Energy Efficient Agriculture

2019 - 2019
Cononsyth Farm currently has renewable power generation through a wind turbine (330 kWp) and solar array (100 kWp). The farm also has significant cooling needs, in this case due to potato storage shed...
Funder: Energy Technology Partnership | Value: £4,672

Accelerating the Electric Vehicle Revolution

2021 - 2022
The proposed project includes two activities: a two-day event and a public opinion survey. The event, which will be hybrid, will target both secondary school students and adults through individual act...
Funder: Scottish Government

Research in Slovenia on Sustainable Transport in Slovenia

2013 - 2014
To compare the vehicular driving cycle of a small town in an EU member state against the standard EU cycle and obtain the primary energy requirements for road transport. Furthermore, to explore the sa...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £1,740

Decentralised Energy

2009 - 2015
As 80% of about 1.6 billion people who lacked access to electricity in the world in 2005 reside in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, and given the importance of energy in achieving the Millennium Dev...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £68,288
11 results

Performance monitoring and modelling of micro-, midi- and macro-wind turbines

2007 - 2012
This thesis investigates the potential of using wind turbine to offset electricity demand for dwellings or public building....
Ahmad Makkawi | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Naren Gupta

The development and analysis of conductive nonwoven carbon fibre veils for electromagnetic shielding applications

2008 - 2010
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a growing problem in the modern world and as the ...
Andrew Austin | Director of Studies: Mike Barker | Second Supervisor: John Sharp

The effect of injection mould surface finish on the ejection of plastics product

2005 - 2014
The development and fabrication injection of moulding tools is complex and demands highly skilled personal. The research...
Alias Mohd | Director of Studies: Colin Hindle | Second Supervisor: Mike Barker

Solar thermal and photovoltaic electrical generation in Libya

2008 - 2012
This thesis investigates the application of large scale concentrated solar (CSP) and photovoltaic power plants in Libya. Direct Steam Gene...
Yasser Aldali | Director of Studies: Dr Douglas Henderson | Second Supervisor: Prof Tariq Muneer

Optimisation of an electroless co-deposited solid oxide fuel cell anode

2015 - date
This PhD project is on the optimisation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC’s) electrodes produced via Electroless Co-Deposition (ECD...
Rob Turnbull | Director of Studies: Dr Neil Shearer | Second Supervisor: Dr Callum Wilson

2002 - 2007
Energy is undoubtedly the driving force at the core of the development of any nation. There is a direct relation between per capita income and energy consumption. The way this energy is produced, supp...
Remeche Madomercandy | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Jorge Kubie

Smart energy monitoring technology to achieve low carbon homes

2007 - 2015
If the UK is to address its energy reduction targets, it is vital to understand energy use behaviours and to devise technology that positi...
Dr Jon Stinson | Director of Studies: Prof Sean Smith | Second Supervisor: Prof John Currie

The development of a numerical temperature algorithm to predict the indoor temperature of an electric vehicle's cabin space

2014 - 2018
The demand for the electric vehicle has increased as the automobile industry,...
Aisling Doyle | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Dr Zuansi Cai

Performance and environmental sustainability assessment of an integrated solar water heater designed for disassembly, under Scottish weather conditions

2016 - 2021
"In the field of solar thermal technology there a...
Ruth Saint | Director of Studies: Prof John Currie | Second Supervisor: Dr Celine Garnier

Environmental impact assessment for sustainable cement production

2008 - 2013
Cement production requires intensive use of natural raw materials and energy. It also results in emissions to the atmosphere, the most...
Louba Elatasi | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: John Wood

