6 results

Political and technical complexities of electronic toll collection: Lessons from Taiwan

Journal Article
Tseng, P., & Pilcher, N. (2022)
Political and technical complexities of electronic toll collection: Lessons from Taiwan. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(1), 444-453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2022.01.005
Traditional manual toll collection (MTC) imposes a significant queue length near toll plazas and results in road users delay (travel time loss), administration, fuel consumpti...

Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2017)
Should we teach from materials developed with corpus linguistics?. English for Specific Purposes Special Interest Group Journal,
In our presentation for the IATEFL ESP-SIG in Athens our intention was to create ‘wobble’ and genuine dialogue around the issue of the importance of ‘context’ in relation to ...

An individual subjectivist critique of the use of corpus linguistics to inform pedagogical materials.

Journal Article
Richards, K., & Pilcher, N. (2016)
An individual subjectivist critique of the use of corpus linguistics to inform pedagogical materials. Dialogic Pedagogy, 4, https://doi.org/10.5195/dpj.2016.163
Corpus Linguistics, or the gathering together of language into a body for analysis and development of materials, claims itself an assured, established method (or field) that v...

A study of the potential of shore power for the port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan: To introduce or not to introduce?

Journal Article
Tseng, P., & Pilcher, N. (2015)
A study of the potential of shore power for the port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan: To introduce or not to introduce?. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 17, 83-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2015.09.001
To reduce ship emissions in port and city environments, cold ironing, or shore power has been suggested and implemented in many global advanced ports. Shore power is a land-to...

Can we really measure the impact of port governance reform?

Journal Article
Pilcher, N., & Tseng, P. (2017)
Can we really measure the impact of port governance reform?. Maritime Policy and Management, 44(8), 981-994. https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2017.1380318
Approaches by governments to reforming the way in which ports are governed is critical to how ports operate and fulfil their roles, and much research is devoted to investigati...

Role requirements in Academic Recruitment for Construction & Engineering

Journal Article
Pilcher, N., Galbrun, L., Craig, N., Murray, M., Forster, A., & Tennant, S. (2021)
Role requirements in Academic Recruitment for Construction & Engineering. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46(2), 247-265. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2020.1725451
Two ongoing and recurrent debates in the employment of academic staff are (1) how much industry experience should faculty staff have? and (2) what priority is given to researc...



