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75 results

Real Time Optimisation of Traffic Signals to Prioritise Public Transport

Conference Proceeding
Plötz, P., Wittpohl, M., & Urquhart, N. (2021)
Real Time Optimisation of Traffic Signals to Prioritise Public Transport. In Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 24th International Conference, EvoApplications 2021 (162-177).
This paper examines the optimisation of traffic signals to prioritise public transportation (busses) in real time. A novel representation for the traffic signal prioritisation...

Street-based routing using an evolutionary algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. B., Paechter, B., & Chisholm, K. (2001)
Street-based routing using an evolutionary algorithm. In E. J. W. Boers, J. Gottlieb, P. L. Lanzi, R. E. Smith, S. Cagnoni, E. Hart, …H. Tijink (Eds.), Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2001: EvoCOP, EvoFlight, EvoIASP, EvoLearn, and EvoSTIM, Proceedings. , (495-504).
Much research has been carried out into solving routing problems using both Evolutionary Techniques and other methods. In this paper the authors investigate the usage of an Ev...

Optimisation Algorithms for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Setup Times

Conference Proceeding
Kittel, F., Enekel, J., Guckert, M., Holznigenkemper, J., & Urquhart, N. (2021)
Optimisation Algorithms for Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Setup Times. In GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (131-132).
Parallel machine scheduling is a problem of high practical relevance for the manufacturing industry. In this paper, we address a variant in which an unweighted combination of ...

Using MAP-Elites to support policy making around Workforce Scheduling and Routing

Journal Article
Urquhart, N., Hart, E., & Hutcheson, W. (2020)
Using MAP-Elites to support policy making around Workforce Scheduling and Routing. Automatisierungstechnik, 68(2),
English abstract: Algorithms such as MAP-Elites provide a means of allowing users to explore a solution space by returning an archive of high-performing solutions. Such an arc...

Minimization of incompletely specified mixed polarity Reed Muller functions using genetic algorithm.

Conference Proceeding
Al-Jassani, B. A., Urquhart, N. B., & Almaini, A. E. A. (2009)
Minimization of incompletely specified mixed polarity Reed Muller functions using genetic algorithm.
A New and efficient Genetic Algorithm (GA) based approach is presented to minimise the number of terms of Mixed Polarity Reed Muller (MPRM) single and multi output incompletel...

Routing using evolutionary agents and proactive transitions.

Urquhart, N. B., Ross, P., Paechter, B., & Chisholm, K. (2002)
Routing using evolutionary agents and proactive transitions. In Applications of Evolutionary Computing, 696-705. Springer-Verlag
The authors have previously introduced the concept of building a delivery network using an agent-based system. The delivery networks are built in response to a real-world prob...

Techniques for Auditing the ICT Carbon Footprint of an Organisation

Journal Article
Mouchet, C., Urquhart, N., & Kemmer, R. (2014)
Techniques for Auditing the ICT Carbon Footprint of an Organisation. International Journal of Green Computing, 5(1), 44-61.
This article has presents an extensive survey of the state of the art in Green IT/S. The findings of the survey suggest that there is scope for a reliable carbon footprint aud...

Real-time construction of aircraft landing schedules using an evolutionary algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. (2006)
Real-time construction of aircraft landing schedules using an evolutionary algorithm. In M. Cattolico, M. Keijzer, M. O. Neill, & C. M. Ryan (Eds.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
This poster investigates the use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to optimise solutions to the Dynamic Aircraft Landing Problem (DALP). The approach adopted here uses an EA to...

Building low CO2 solutions to the vehicle routing problem with time windows using an evolutionary algorithm.

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. B., Hart, E., & Scott, C. (2010)
Building low CO2 solutions to the vehicle routing problem with time windows using an evolutionary algorithm. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
An evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithm (MOA) is used to investigate the trade-off between CO2 savings, distance and number of vehicles used in a typical vehicle routing pro...

Combining parallel coordinates with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms in a real-world optimisation problem

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. (2017)
Combining parallel coordinates with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms in a real-world optimisation problem. In GECCO ’17 Companion, B (1335-1340).
Optimisation problems based upon real-world instances often contain many objectives. Many existing Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm techniques return a set of solutions ...
14 results

Esave Feasibility Study

2012 - 2012
This project undertook the following tasks: 1) An analysis of the existing work flow within the energy audit process used by esave on behalf of their clients. 2) The specification and design of a...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Optimum order of deliveries within milk rounds

2013 - 2014
This project is being undertaken in collaboration  with McQueens Dairies. The principle aim is investigate the optimisation of drop-off points within milk rounds. The project will establish a suitable...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2016 - 2016
Analysis of transactional data provided by real time cloud based ordering systems linked within the food supply chain which targets Foodservice sector
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £19,807

Cloud based distribution system to tackle food poverty

2022 - 2023
Local food sectors, e.g. Foodbanks, still rely on paper-based referral systems whilst continuing to see increasing demand. In addition, the model of direct hand-outs of food parcels and electricity vo...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £570

Bus Passenger Analytics

2020 - 2020
Passengers using the Lothian Buses network may use a smart card (Ridacard) to pay for their journey, swiping the card on boarding a vehicle. Smart card journeys account for about 1/3rd of journeys mad...
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £26,170

ChargeBreak - Electric Vehicle Suitability Tool

2021 - 2021
This partnership will deliver a tool which utilises Big Data processes and methodologies to simplify the selection of EVs. This will enable uptake of EVs across commercial fleets in a manner which is ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Optimisation of AirNode mesh nets

2019 - 2020
Urban air quality affects the lives of millions, according to WHO statistics air quality contributes to 6.7% of all deaths worldwide. Managing air quality in urban areas is now a priority for governme...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

The Extractive Components of UK Hardwood

2016 - 2017
Use the ITED system to search literature based observations about the chemical extractive components of both broadleaf and conifer tree species commonly grown in the UK. Chemically, wood structure ma...
Funder: Scottish Forestry | Value: £28,492

Tick2Ride Proof of Concept

2007 - 2008
The project looked at using optimisation techniques to plan business travel (i.e. journey sharing) and reduce its environmental impact. Both soft constraints (personal preferences) and hard const...
Funder: Scottish Enterprise | Value: £102,836

Caddie Charger

2014 - 2014
Focusing on the IT aspects of sound recognition and analysis. The product will be used to monitor the players  playing golf shots using a mixture of location, wi-fi and sounds technologies. Through us...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,950
7 results