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Mirror mirror on the ward, who’s the most narcissistic of them all? Pathologic personality traits in health care

Journal Article
Bucknall, V., Burwaiss, S., MacDonald, D., Charles, K., & Clement, R. (2015)
Mirror mirror on the ward, who’s the most narcissistic of them all? Pathologic personality traits in health care. Canadian Medical Association journal, 187(18), 1359-1363.
Background: Stereotypes in medicine have become exaggerated for the purpose of workplace amusement. Our objective was to assess the levels of “dark triad” personality traits e...

Men's facial masculinity : when (body) size matters.

Journal Article
Holzleitner, I., Hunter, D., Tiddeman, B., Seck, A., Re, D., & Perrett, D. (2014)
Men's facial masculinity : when (body) size matters. Perception, 43, 1191-1202.
Recent studies suggest that judgments of facial masculinity reflect more than sexually dimorphic shape. Here, we investigated whether the perception of masculinity is influenc...

Understanding the multiframe caricature advantage for recognizing facial composites.

Journal Article
Frowd, C. D., Skelton, F. C., Atherton, C., Pitchford, M., Bruce, V., Atkins, R., …Hancock, P. J. B. (2012)
Understanding the multiframe caricature advantage for recognizing facial composites. Visual Cognition, 20, 1215-1241.
Eyewitnesses often construct a ‘composite’ face of a person they saw commit a crime, a picture that police use to identify suspects. We described a technique (Frowd et al., 2...

Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Psychosis: A Case Series

Journal Article
Taylor, P. J., Taylor, P., Perry, A., Hutton, P., Tan, R., Fisher, N., …Seddon, C. (2019)
Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Psychosis: A Case Series. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 92(3), 359-378.
Objectives: Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is an effective psychological intervention for several different mental health conditions. However, whether it is acceptable, safe...

Effecting an improvement to the fitness function. How to evolve a more identifiable face.

Conference Proceeding
Frowd, C., Park, J., McIntyre, A., Bruce, V., Pitchford, M., Fields, S., …Hancock, P. J. (2008)
Effecting an improvement to the fitness function. How to evolve a more identifiable face. In ECSIS Symposium on Bio-inspired Learning and Intelligent Systems for Security, 2008. BLISS '08doi:10.1109/bliss.2008.28
Constructing the face of a criminal from the selection of individual facial parts is a hard task. We have been working on a new system called EvoFIT that involves the selectio...

Images of motherhood in antenatal cllinic literature.

Presentation / Conference
McHugh, N. (1994, September)
Images of motherhood in antenatal cllinic literature. Paper presented at 14th Annual Conference of the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
A critical analysis of the manipulation of the pregant woman as a consumer.

Seeing More Clearly with Glasses?: The Impact of Glasses and Technology on Unfamiliar Face Matching and Identification of Facial Composites

Conference Proceeding
McIntyre, A. H., Hancock, P. J., Frowd, C. D., & Bruce, V. (2010)
Seeing More Clearly with Glasses?: The Impact of Glasses and Technology on Unfamiliar Face Matching and Identification of Facial Composites. In 2010 International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST)doi:10.1109/est.2010.30
The development of facial identification technologies is of vital importance for security. We demonstrate that psychology can ensure innovation produces applications with effe...

Contemporary composite techniques: the impact of a forensically-relevant target delay.

Journal Article
Baldwin, H., Hancock, P., Frowd, C. D., Carson, D., Ness, H., McQuiston-Surrett, D., & Richardson, J. (2005)
Contemporary composite techniques: the impact of a forensically-relevant target delay. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 10(1), 63-81.
Purpose. Previous laoratory-based research suggests that facial composites, or pictures of suspected criminals, from UK computerized systems are named correctly about 20% of t...

The impact of irrelevant auditory facial descriptions on memory for target faces: implications for eyewitness memory.

Journal Article
Marsh, J. E., Demaine, J., Bell, R., Skelton, F. C., Frowd, C. D., Roer, J. P., & Buchner, A. (2015)
The impact of irrelevant auditory facial descriptions on memory for target faces: implications for eyewitness memory. Journal of Forensic Practice, 17(4), 271-280.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential susceptibility of eyewitness memory to the presence of extraneous background speech that comprises a descr...

Early intervention for relapse in schizophrenia: Impact of cognitive behavioural therapy on negative beliefs about psychosis and self-esteem

Journal Article
Gumley, A., Karatzias, A., Power, K., Reilly, J., McNay, L., & O'Grady, M. (2006)
Early intervention for relapse in schizophrenia: Impact of cognitive behavioural therapy on negative beliefs about psychosis and self-esteem. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45(2), 247-260. doi:10.1348/014466505x49925
Objectives. The study aimed to test two hypotheses. Firstly, that participants who relapsed during the 12-month follow-up period of our randomized controlled trial, would show...



