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64 results

The links between begging and rough sleeping: a question of legitimacy?

Journal Article
question of legitimacy?. Housing Studies, 16, 549-568.

question of legitimacy?. Housing Studies, 16, 549-568.
Begging is one of the most potent, and controversial, symbols of social exclusion in modern British society. This paper concentrates on the relationship between begging and ro...

Understanding social enterprise and its financing: a case study of the child-care sector in Scotland.

Journal Article
Hare, P. G., Jones, D. W., & Blackledge, G. (2007)
Understanding social enterprise and its financing: a case study of the child-care sector in Scotland. Social enterprise journal, 3,
Purpose – To investigate the application of the social enterprise model to the childcare sector in Scotland and develop a practical model for analysing such social enterprises...

The nature and effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation of social inclusion projects in Scotland: an exploratory analysis

Kelly, L. A. The nature and effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation of social inclusion projects in Scotland: an exploratory analysis. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The research examined the experiences of professional workers engaged in the monitoring and evaluation of Scottish social inclusion projects, in order to address the research ...

Time-Use, daily activities and health related quality of life of Irish youth

Journal Article
McKay, E. A., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. (2017)
Time-Use, daily activities and health related quality of life of Irish youth. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4_Supplement_1), 7111505067p1.
This large cross-sectional time-use study empirically examined, for the first time, the relationship between participation in daily activity and self-reported health-related q...

Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants.

Journal Article
Guma, T. (2018)
Exploring potentialities of (Health)care in Glasgow and beyond: Negotiations of social security among Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 7(1), 73-90.
This paper draws on an anthropological perspective on social security to explore the complex ways in which Czech-and Slovak-speaking migrants living in Glasgow negotiated thei...

Building capabilities in disabled job seekers: A qualitative study of the Remploy Work Choices programme in Scotland

Journal Article
Robertson, P. J. (2018)
Building capabilities in disabled job seekers: A qualitative study of the Remploy Work Choices programme in Scotland. Social Work and Society: International Online Journal, 16(1), 1-15
This article reports on a qualitative study of the UK’s labour activation pathway for jobseekers with disabilities and health conditions. The aim was to explore the experienc...

Promoting Healthy Routes Back to Work? Boundary Spanning Health Professionals and Employability Programmes in Great Britain

Journal Article
Lindsay, C., & Dutton, M. (2011)
Promoting Healthy Routes Back to Work? Boundary Spanning Health Professionals and Employability Programmes in Great Britain. Social policy & administration,
Between 2003 and 2011, the Pathways to Work (PtW) initiative was established across Great Britain, as policymakers sought to address the ‘health-related, personal and external...

Time Use and Daily Activities of Late Adolescents in Contemporary Ireland

Journal Article
Hunt, E., McKay, E., Fitzgerald, A., & Perry, I. (2014)
Time Use and Daily Activities of Late Adolescents in Contemporary Ireland. Journal of Occupational Science, 21(1), 42-64.
An occupational perspective of public health embraces a holistic view of the lifestyles of groups of people and how lifestyles influence health (Hocking, 2011). Adolescents, a...

Employability, services and unemployed job seekers and the digital divide.

Journal Article
Lindsay, C. (2005)
Employability, services and unemployed job seekers and the digital divide. Urban StudieS, 42, 325-339.
Summary Providing accurate and accessible labour market information is a key priority for policies targeted at improving the employability of unemployed people. In an attempt ...

Public health programme and policy options for improving health equitably

Journal Article
Haw, S., Frank, J., Frost, H., Geddes, R., Jackson, C., & Mooney, J. (2011)
Public health programme and policy options for improving health equitably. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 41(1), 3-4.
First paragraph: Compared with other Western European countries, Scotland has the highest mortality rate and lowest life expectancy. Scotland is also characterised by marked i...