6 results

Prioritizing edge over node: process control in supply chain networks and push-pull strategies

Journal Article
Pearson, M. (2008)
Prioritizing edge over node: process control in supply chain networks and push-pull strategies. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(4), 494-502. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602314
We outline recent work identifying an equilibrium solution in a supply chain network. The solution overcomes some difficulties associated with the bullwhip effect through limi...

Changes in innovation styles - comprehensive study of the changes in innovation styles to identify the causes and effects of different influencing factors and capabilities to create a general innovation pattern

Lewrick, M. Changes in innovation styles - comprehensive study of the changes in innovation styles to identify the causes and effects of different influencing factors and capabilities to create a general innovation pattern. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/3803
An investigation in innovation management and entrepreneurial management is conducted in this thesis. The aim of the research is to explore changes of innovation styles in the...

Trust in Cross Border Trade Networks

Conference Proceeding
Omeihe, K., Gustafsson, V., Amoako, I., & Saud Khan, M. (in press)
Trust in Cross Border Trade Networks
Purpose This paper aims to develop an understanding of trust in cross border trade networks dominating West African markets. To date most of the literature on trust and networ...

How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains

Presentation / Conference
Duddy, D., Weaver, M., & Stantchev, D. (2017, September)
How does the Beer Distribution Game help us to understand Humanitarian Supply Chains. Paper presented at Annual Conference of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN), Southampton Solent University, UK
Purpose This research develops a model similar to that used in Forrester’s ‘Beer Distribution Game’ to understand where uncertainty is generated in humanitarian supply chains....

The innovator's social network.

Journal Article
Lewrick, M., Raeside, R. & Peisl, T. (2006)
The innovator's social network. Journal of technology management & innovation. 2, 38-48. ISSN 0718-2724
The concept of innovation has evolved significantly over the last decade. It now appears that inherent successful innovation can be explained by the influence of the social ne...

Entrepreunership - some views from the UK

Presentation / Conference
McQuaid, R. W., & Greig, M. (2005, March)
Entrepreunership - some views from the UK. Paper presented at Unknown
No abstract available.



