6 results

Sustainability tool to optimise material quantities of steel in the construction industry

Journal Article
D'Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (2018)
Sustainability tool to optimise material quantities of steel in the construction industry. Procedia CIRP, 69, 184-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2017.10.006
The steel industry is arguably one of the most pollutant manufacturing sectors. The vast majority of steel produced worldwide is employed by the construction industry, mostly ...

Properties of hydraulic and nonhydraulic limes for use in construction.

Edwards, A. J. Properties of hydraulic and nonhydraulic limes for use in construction. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/6884
The term "lime" comes from the word limestone. Limestone rocks were converted to lime powder by burning (calcining). The process of converting limestone to lime was an old pro...

An experimental study of the effects of resilient bars on plate vibration

Journal Article
Su, S., Smith, S., & Fairfield, C. A. (2011)
An experimental study of the effects of resilient bars on plate vibration. Applied Acoustics, 72, 241-247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2010.11.009
Resilient bars can provide a low-cost, effective improvement to sound insulation performance. They are commonly used in timber-framed floor/ceiling assemblies in North America...

Open/closed window research: sound insulation through ventilated domestic windows.

Waters-Fuller, T., Lurcock, D., Mackenzie, R., & MacKenzie, R. (2006)
Open/closed window research: sound insulation through ventilated domestic windows
Planning guidance is required to advise on appropriate standards against which the suitability of development can be assessed. Consideration is needed of the locale, its exist...

Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium.

Book Chapter
Fausti, P., García, T. C., Ingelaere, B., Machimbarrena, M., Monteiro, C. R. A., Santoni, A., …Smith, S. (2014)
Design and Acoustic Performance of Building Constructions for Multi-Storey Housing: Compendium. In B. Rasmussen, & M. Machimbarrena (Eds.), COST Action TU0901 – Building acoustics throughout Europe. Volume 1: Towards a common framework in building acoustics throughout Europe, 213-244. COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology
This chapter provides an overview of the range of construction types found across Europe to meet various sound insulation requirements for separating (party) walls and floors....

The development and production of a guide for noise control from laminated and wooden flooring.

Waters-Fuller, T., MacKenzie, R., Smith, S. & Mackenzie, R. (2004)
The development and production of a guide for noise control from laminated and wooden flooring.
This document, produced by the Building Performance Centre at Napier University, was commissioned by Defra and the Devolved Administrations of the Scottish Executive, the Nati...



