5 results

An examination of try scoring in rugby union: a review of international rugby statistics

Journal Article
Laird, P., & Lorimer, R. (2004)
An examination of try scoring in rugby union: a review of international rugby statistics. International journal of performance analysis in sport, 4(1), 72-80
The purpose of this study was to review some of the key statistics collected by the International Rugby Board (IRB) in their review of the game (2003) and to compare these fin...

An Investigation into the nature of psychological resilience in junior athletes

Fountain, H. E. An Investigation into the nature of psychological resilience in junior athletes. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/979005
Psychological resilience has been described as a multidimensional, context specific concept, and has been defined in numerous ways that attempt to encapsulate the process by w...

Examining the ecological validity of the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire

Journal Article
Martindale, R. J., Collins, D., Douglas, C., & Whike, A. (2013)
Examining the ecological validity of the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(1), 41-47. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.718443
It is clear that high class expertise and effective practice exists within many talent development environments across the world. However, there is also a general consensus th...

Skilled interaction: Concepts of communication and player management in the development of sports officials

Journal Article
Cunningham, I., Simmons, P., Mascarenhas, D., & Redhead, S. (2014)
Skilled interaction: Concepts of communication and player management in the development of sports officials. International Journal of Sport Communication, 7(2), 166-187. https://doi.org/10.1123/IJSC.2013-0098
Communication and player management are integral to effective sport of ciating, but most research has focused on physical performance and decision making. The few previous stu...

Injury, Sleep, Mood and Performance and the Role of Mental Toughness during an Arctic Ultra-Marathon

Presentation / Conference
Martindale, R., Graham, S., McKinley, M. & Connaboy, C. (2015, May)
Injury, Sleep, Mood and Performance and the Role of Mental Toughness during an Arctic Ultra-Marathon. Poster presented at American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA
Studies examining ultra-endurance racing in ‘extreme environments’ are sparse. However, research has shown that injury and sleep management are crucial. For example, sleep dep...



