7 results

Evaluating arrhythmias in ECG signals using wavelet transforms.

Journal Article
Addison, P., Watson, J. N., Clegg, G. R., Holzer, M., Sterz, F., & Robertson, C. E. (2000)
Evaluating arrhythmias in ECG signals using wavelet transforms. IEEE engineering in medicine & biology magazine the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 19, 104-109. https://doi.org/10.1109/51.870237
Recent work has attempted to utilize wavelet techniques in the analysis of biomedical signals including ECGs. Here, the authors present an energy-based method of interrogating...

Finding coordinated atrial activity during ventricular fibrillation using wavelet decomposition.

Journal Article
Addison, P., Watson, J. N., Clegg, G. R., Steen, P. A., & Robertson, C. E. (2002)
Finding coordinated atrial activity during ventricular fibrillation using wavelet decomposition. IEEE engineering in medicine & biology magazine the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 21, 58-65. https://doi.org/10.1109/51.993194
Until recently, the ECG recorded during ventricular fibrillation was thought to represent disorganized and unstructured electrical activity of the heart. Using a new signal an...

A comparison of continuous wavelet transform and modulus maxima analysis of characteristic ECG features.

Conference Proceeding
Romero Legarreta, I., Addison, P., Grubb, N. R., Clegg, G. R., Robertson, C. E., & Watson, J. N. (2005)
A comparison of continuous wavelet transform and modulus maxima analysis of characteristic ECG features. In Computers in Cardiology, 2005, 755-758. https://doi.org/10.1109/CIC.2005.1588214
The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) offers a valuable tool for the analysis of signals as it provides precise location in time of high frequency components. The selection o...

R-wave detection using continuous wavelet modulus maxima.

Conference Proceeding
Romero Legarreta, I., Addison, P., Grubb, N. R., Clegg, G. R., Robertson, C. E., Fox, K. A. A., & Watson, J. N. (2003)
R-wave detection using continuous wavelet modulus maxima. In Computers in Cardiology, 2003, 565-568. https://doi.org/10.1109/CIC.2003.1291218
Modulus maxima derived from the continuous wavelet transform offers an enhanced time-frequency analysis technique for ECG signal analysis. Features within the ECG can be shown...

Wavelet analysis of the ECG: A review

Journal Article
Addison, P. (2005)
Wavelet analysis of the ECG: A review. Physiological Measurement, 26(5), 155-199. https://doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/26/5/R01
The wavelet transform has emerged over recent years as a powerful time–frequency analysis and signal coding tool favoured for the interrogation of complex nonstationary signal...

Wavelet-based filtering for the clinical evaluation of atrial fibrillation.

Conference Proceeding
Watson, J. N., Addison, P., Grubb, N. R., Clegg, G. R., Robertson, C. E., & Fox, K. A. A. (2001)
Wavelet-based filtering for the clinical evaluation of atrial fibrillation. In 2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 302. https://doi.org/10.1109/IEMBS.2001.1018919
Summary form only given. This paper describes the work in progress to develop a new ECG signal filtering technique to aid the clinical analysis of atrial fibrillation. The met...

Secondary wavelet feature decoupling (SWFD) and its use in detecting patient respiration from the photoplethysmogram.

Conference Proceeding
Addison, P., & Watson, J. N. (2003)
Secondary wavelet feature decoupling (SWFD) and its use in detecting patient respiration from the photoplethysmogram. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37439), 2602-2605. https://doi.org/10.1109/IEMBS.2003.1280448
We describe a method for the identification of time-frequency features associated with patient respiration in the wavelet decomposition of the photoplethysmogram where the res...



