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222 results

Won’t bow: Don’t know how: Treme, New Orleans and American exceptionalism

Journal Article
Keeble, A. (2016)
Won’t bow: Don’t know how: Treme, New Orleans and American exceptionalism. European Journal of American Culture, 35(1), 51-67.
This article examines the depiction of exceptionalism in David Simon and Eric Overmeyer’s television series, Treme, and argues that the series uses its New Orleans microcosm t...

Extreme work in organizations: mapping the field and a future research agenda

Journal Article
Garavan, T., Grant, K., Holland, P., Bartram, T., & Mackenzie, C. (in press)
Extreme work in organizations: mapping the field and a future research agenda. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
Despite the growing interest in the phenomenon of extreme work amongst academics, policy makers and the media, the area is characterized by different constructs, terminology, ...

Fault diagnosis based on extremely randomized trees in wireless sensor networks

Journal Article
Saeed, U., Jan, S. U., Lee, Y., & Koo, I. (2021)
Fault diagnosis based on extremely randomized trees in wireless sensor networks. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 205, Article 107284.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) being highly diversified cyber–physical system makes it vulnerable to numerous failures, which can cause devastation towards safety, economy, and...

Male Youth Perceptions of Violent Extremism: towards a Test of Rational Choice Theory

Journal Article
Dhami, M. K., & Murray, J. (2017)
Male Youth Perceptions of Violent Extremism: towards a Test of Rational Choice Theory. The Spanish journal of psychology, 19(E51), 1-10.
Understanding how people perceive the pros and cons of risky behaviors such as terrorism or violent extremism represents a first step in developing research testing rational c...

Simulation-Based Evaluation of Low Carbon Design Strategies for Extreme Climates

Journal Article
Toyo Diaz, A., & Sajjadian, S. M. (in press)
Simulation-Based Evaluation of Low Carbon Design Strategies for Extreme Climates. Intelligent Buildings International,
Extreme climate conditions present the greatest challenge in achieving thermal comfort in buildings. To address this issue, researchers have evaluated the effectiveness of var...

Insider Threat Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms on an Extremely Imbalanced Dataset

Journal Article
Moradpoor, N., & Hall, A. (2020)
Insider Threat Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms on an Extremely Imbalanced Dataset. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 10(2),
An insider threat can take on many forms and fall under different categories. This includes: malicious insider, careless/unaware/uneducated/naïve employee, and third-party con...

A 3-dimensional biomechanical analysis of British Army foot-drill in untrained personnel: Implications for lower-extremity injury risk

Journal Article
Rawcliffe, A., Morrison, A., Graham, S., Simpson, R., Psycharakis, S., & Connaboy, C. (2017)
A 3-dimensional biomechanical analysis of British Army foot-drill in untrained personnel: Implications for lower-extremity injury risk. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20, S152.
Abstract presented at 4th International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, 28 November - 1 December 2017 Melbourne Australia Purpose: To investigate and compare kinem...

The relationship between abundance and prevalence of trematode parasites infecting Lymnaea stagnalis L.

Journal Article
Briers, R. (2004)
The relationship between abundance and prevalence of trematode parasites infecting Lymnaea stagnalis L. Journal of Conchology, 38(4), 363-367
The relationship between the prevalence and abundance (infection intensity) of trematode parasites infecting Lymnaea stagnalis L. was investigated based on collections of snai...

Nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in a High Arctic tundra ecosystem from extreme atmospheric N deposition events

Journal Article
Choudhary, S., Blaud, A., Osborn, A. M., Press, M. C., & Phoenix, G. K. (2016)
Nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in a High Arctic tundra ecosystem from extreme atmospheric N deposition events. Science of the Total Environment, 554-555, 303-310.
Arctic ecosystems are threatened by pollution from recently detected extreme atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition events in which up to 90% of the annual N deposition can occur...

Differential leaf-litter processing by native (Gammarus pulex) and invasive (Dikerogammarus villosus) freshwater crustaceans under environmental extremes

Journal Article
Truhlar, A. M., Dodd, J. A., & Aldridge, D. C. (2014)
Differential leaf-litter processing by native (Gammarus pulex) and invasive (Dikerogammarus villosus) freshwater crustaceans under environmental extremes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 24(1), 56-65.
There is increasing interest in understanding the implications of biological invasions within the context of ecosystem functioning. Non‐native crustaceans are of particular in...



