10 results

Who is More Likely (Not) to Make Home-Based Work Trips during the COVID-19 Pandemic? The Case of Scotland

Journal Article
Semple, T., Fountas, G., & Fonzone, A. (in press)
Who is More Likely (Not) to Make Home-Based Work Trips during the COVID-19 Pandemic? The Case of Scotland. Transportation research record, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221119192
In this study, we use survey data (n=6,000) to investigate the work trip patterns of Scottish residents at various points of the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus specifically on th...

The Impact Of COVID-19 On Future Public Transport Use In Scotland

Journal Article
Downey, L., Fonzone, A., Fountas, G., & Semple, T. (2022)
The Impact Of COVID-19 On Future Public Transport Use In Scotland. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 163, 338-352. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2022.06.005
This paper examines the determinants of changes in future public transport use in Scotland after the COVID-19 pandemic. An online questionnaire was distributed to 994 Scottish...

Assessing School Travel Safety in Scotland: An Empirical Analysis of Injury Severities for Accidents in the School Commute

Journal Article
Fountas, G., Olowosegun, A., & Basbas, S. (2022)
Assessing School Travel Safety in Scotland: An Empirical Analysis of Injury Severities for Accidents in the School Commute. Safety, 8(2), Article 29. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety8020029
School travel has been a significant source of safety concerns for children, parents, and public authorities. It will continue to be a source of concerns as long as severe acc...

DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland

Downey, L., Fonzone, A., & Fountas, G. (2022)
DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland. [Dataset]. https://doi.org/10.17869/enu.2022.2853752
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Edinburgh Napier University’s Transport Research Institute has been undertaking a study, funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), in...

Analysis of Pedestrian Accident Injury-Severities at Road Junctions and Crossings using an Advanced Random Parameter Modelling Framework: The Case of Scotland

Journal Article
Olowosegun, A., Babajide, N., Akintola, A., Fountas, G., & Fonzone, A. (2022)
Analysis of Pedestrian Accident Injury-Severities at Road Junctions and Crossings using an Advanced Random Parameter Modelling Framework: The Case of Scotland. Accident analysis and prevention, 169, Article 106610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2022.106610
This paper investigates the determinants of injury severities in pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents at signalised and unsignalised junctions, and at physically-controlled and ...

Demographic and Behavioural Factors Affecting Public Support for Pedestrianisation in City Centres: The Case of Edinburgh, UK

Journal Article
Semple, T., & Fountas, G. (in press)
Demographic and Behavioural Factors Affecting Public Support for Pedestrianisation in City Centres: The Case of Edinburgh, UK. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2021.12.001
This paper provides an integrated analytical framework to investigate the demographic and behavioural factors that significantly influence public support for pedestrianisation...

Survey data on public perceptions towards flying cars and flying taxi services

Journal Article
Eker, U., Fountas, G., Ahmed, S. S., & Anastasopoulos, P. C. (2022)
Survey data on public perceptions towards flying cars and flying taxi services. Data in Brief, 41, Article 107981. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.107981
An online survey was conducted to evaluate public perceptions towards an emerging transportation technology, namely the flying car, which is expected to join the existing traf...

The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies

Journal Article
Sonduru Pantangi, S., Fountas, G., Tawfiq Sarwar, M., Bhargava, A., Mohan, S. B., Savolainen, P., & Ch. Anastasopoulos, P. (2022)
The impact of public-private partnerships for roadway projects on traffic safety: An exploratory empirical analysis of crash frequencies. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 33, Article 100192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amar.2021.100192
Since the mid-2000s, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have been established in transportation infrastructure projects as an effective alternative to the traditional procureme...

Solar-Powered Active Road Studs and Highway Infrastructure: Effect on Vehicle Speeds

Journal Article
Llewellyn, R., Cowie, J., & Fountas, G. (2021)
Solar-Powered Active Road Studs and Highway Infrastructure: Effect on Vehicle Speeds. Energies, 14(21), 7209. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14217209
Vehicle speeds have a direct relationship with the severity of road crashes and may influence their probability of occurrence. Solar-powered active road studs have been shown ...

Trips for Outdoor Exercise at Different Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Scotland

Journal Article
Semple, T., Fountas, G., & Fonzone, A. (2021)
Trips for Outdoor Exercise at Different Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Scotland  . Journal of transport & health, 23, Article 101280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2021.101280
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has had exceptional effects on travel behaviour in the UK. This paper focuses specifically on the outdoor exercise trips of Scottish residen...