4 results

Online assessment and checking of SQL: detecting and preventing plagiarism.

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G. & Cumming, A. (2005)
Online assessment and checking of SQL: detecting and preventing plagiarism. ISBN 0-9541927-8-8
The automatic checking of online assessments and tutorials offers a significant advantage to students. Such students can work out-of-hours, from home or work, managing their o...

Improving the student learning experience for SQL using automatic marking.

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G., & Cumming, A. (2004)
Improving the student learning experience for SQL using automatic marking. In D. Kinshuk, G. Sampson, & P. Isaías (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, 281-288
An online interactive learning environment which offers immediate feedback to student learning SQL was constructed. This has supported the gathering of interesting statistics ...

DAIS: An Object-Addressed Processor Cache

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G., Shaw, P., & Cockshott, W. P. (1994)
DAIS: An Object-Addressed Processor Cache. In Persistent Object Systems: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems. , (374-386). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-2122-0_29
DAIS is a proposed processor incorporating hardware-based object addressing. By providing only the very minimum of support for objects, it allows efficient access via a novel ...

Lightweight threads for portable software

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G. (1992)
Lightweight threads for portable software. In Proceedings of the UKUUG/SUKUG
No abstract available.