10 results

Implementation and Detection of Novel Attacks to the PLC Memory on a Clean Water Supply System

Conference Proceeding
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
Implementation and Detection of Novel Attacks to the PLC Memory on a Clean Water Supply System. In CITT 2018. , (91-103). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05532-5_7
Critical infrastructures such as nuclear plants or water supply systems are mainly managed through electronic control systems. Such systems comprise of a number of elements, s...

Image-based Emotion Feedback: How Does the Crowd Feel? And Why?

Conference Proceeding
Robb, D. A., Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Kalkreuter, B., & Chantler, M. J. (2017)
Image-based Emotion Feedback: How Does the Crowd Feel? And Why?. In DIS '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (451-463). https://doi.org/10.1145/3064663.3064665
In previous work we developed a method for interior designers to receive image-based feedback about a crowd’s emotions when viewing their designs. Although the designers clear...

Understanding Concept Maps: A Closer Look at How People Organise Ideas

Conference Proceeding
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Robb, D. A., & Chantler, M. J. (2017)
Understanding Concept Maps: A Closer Look at How People Organise Ideas. In CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (815-827). https://doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025977
Research into creating visualisations that organise ideas into concise concept maps often focuses on implicit mathematical and statistical theories which are built around algo...

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words but Can it Paint Just One?

Conference Proceeding
Robb, D. A., Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Kalkreuter, B., & Chantler, M. J. (2016)
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words but Can it Paint Just One?. In DIS '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (959-970). https://doi.org/10.1145/2901790.2901791
Imagery and language are often seen as serving different aspects of cognition, with cognitive styles theories proposing that people can be visual or verbal thinkers. Most feed...

Well-Connected: Promoting Collaboration by Effective Networking

Conference Proceeding
Robb, D. A., Methven, T. S., Padilla, S., & Chantler, M. J. (2016)
Well-Connected: Promoting Collaboration by Effective Networking. In CSCW '16 Companion Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion, 90-93. doi:10.1145/2818052.2874333
We have developed a method and system that uses mutually agreed problem structuring and self-selection to bring together meeting attendees with complementary interests. The me...

ATP: Adaptive Tuning Protocol for Service Discovery in Internet of Things

Conference Proceeding
Qasem, M., Al-Dubai, A., Imed, R., & Yassien, M. B. (2015)
ATP: Adaptive Tuning Protocol for Service Discovery in Internet of Things. In ICEMIS '15 Proceedings of the The International Conference on Engineering & MIS 2015https://doi.org/10.1145/2832987.2833058
Energy is a precious resource in Internet of Things (IoT) especially with battery operated nodes, the overhead that consumes the battery power of the sensor nodes is a fundame...

Architecting the Internet of Things: State of the Art

Book Chapter
Abdmeziem, M. R., Romdhani, I., & Tandjaoui, D. (2016)
Architecting the Internet of Things: State of the Art. In A. Koubaa, & E. Shakshuki (Eds.), Robots and Sensor Clouds; Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, (55-75). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-22168-7_3
Internet of things (IoT) constitutes one of the most important technological development in the last decade. It has the potential to deeply affect our life style. However, its...

An aspect oriented model for software energy efficiency in decentralised servers.

Conference Proceeding
Chinenyeze, S., Liu, X., & Al-Dubai, A. (2014)
An aspect oriented model for software energy efficiency in decentralised servers. In ict4s-14https://doi.org/10.2991/ict4s-14.2014.14
Green software is currently gaining interests with the increasing impact of IT in energy consumption. Green-ness in software however, can be achieved at various stages of the ...

Articulating the Sense of Place Experienced by Visitors to the Jencks Landform

Book Chapter
Smyth, M. (2005)
Articulating the Sense of Place Experienced by Visitors to the Jencks Landform. In P. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (249-260). Dordrecht: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3273-0_17

Design tools as agents of disclosure.

Journal Article
Smyth, M. (2000)
Design tools as agents of disclosure. Knowledge-Based Systems, 13(1), (27-35). doi:10.1016/s0950-7051(99)00049-0. ISSN 0950-7051
This paper investigates the nature and use of existing tools during a design task as a means of gathering information concerning practitioners' conception of that activity. Th...