9 results

A booking portal for shared transport in rural areas.

Presentation / Conference
Cooper, J. A., Duffell, J., & Nelson, J. D. (2011, January)
A booking portal for shared transport in rural areas. Paper presented at Universities Transport Studies Group, Milton Keynes
Although Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) has developed in a number of urban and rural areas, solutions are local with no mechanism to offer services further afield. Furtherm...

Taxi! Urban economies and the social and transport Impacts of the taxicab.

Cooper, J. A., Mundy, R. A., & Nelson, J. D. (2010)
Taxi! Urban economies and the social and transport Impacts of the taxicab. Ashgate Publishing
The taxicab provides a significant contribution to the accessibility of a city and provides a wide range of services across many social groups. Considering the role of the tax...

Taxi Demand Modeling to Ensure Appropriate Taxi Supply: Do Both Open Access and Model Based Restrictions Fail?

Conference Proceeding
Cooper, J. M., & Faber, W. (2010)
Taxi Demand Modeling to Ensure Appropriate Taxi Supply: Do Both Open Access and Model Based Restrictions Fail?. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, (60-72). https://doi.org/10.1061/41123%28383%296
As a transport mode, the taxi is often given scant attention. The mode is consistent, in appearance and function, and has followed the same patterns of licensing, rather than ...

Taxi Supply Controls, UK testing methods, defined and undefined links to demand.

Presentation / Conference
Cooper, J. A. (2010, July)
Taxi Supply Controls, UK testing methods, defined and undefined links to demand. Paper presented at Scottish Taxi Federation, Perth
This paper is intended to martial some of the key points allied to the operational controls applied to the Scottish taxi industry. Much of the content is also applicable in ot...

Achieving access to work, improved social inclusion and reducing rural access costs.

Presentation / Conference
Cooper, U., Nelson, J. D., Wright, S., & Cooper, J. A. (2010, April)
Achieving access to work, improved social inclusion and reducing rural access costs. Paper presented at Scottish Transport Applications and Research (STAR) Conference, Glasgow
The paper considers the contribution that focused Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) may make to the delivery of improved access to work in rural Scottish locations. Whilst acc...

Taxis beyond the comfort zone.

Presentation / Conference
Cooper, J. A. (2010, January)
Taxis beyond the comfort zone. Paper presented at International Association of Transportation Regulators, Chicago
Taxi services are a long-standing, well-established, mode of transport, commonly available and instantly recognizable. The mode has a significant history of supply which pre-d...

An evaluation of the transport to employment (T2E) scheme in Highland Scotland using social return on investment (SROI)

Journal Article
Wright, S., Nelson, J. D., Cooper, J. M., & Murphy, S. (2009)
An evaluation of the transport to employment (T2E) scheme in Highland Scotland using social return on investment (SROI). Journal of Transport Geography, 17, 457-467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2008.10.006
This paper presents findings from an evaluation of transport to employment (T2E) in rural Highland Scotland. T2E is a centrally co-ordinated shared transport service which pro...

Taxi Licensing, Regulation and Control: An analysis of taxi supply in medium sized UK cities

Cooper, J. M. Taxi Licensing, Regulation and Control: An analysis of taxi supply in medium sized UK cities. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/7242
The primary objective of this thesis is to provide a new approach to optimizing the supply of taxis as applied in UK cities. Taxi supply, both in the UK and elsewhere, is cont...

Energy trade-offs and market responses in transport and residential land-use patterns: promoting sustainable development - policy and pitfalls.

Journal Article
Cooper, J. A., Ryley, T. J., & Smyth, A. (2001)
Energy trade-offs and market responses in transport and residential land-use patterns: promoting sustainable development - policy and pitfalls. Urban StudieS, 38, 1573-1588. https://doi.org/10.1080/00420980126673
Sustainable development policy is examined for the Belfast Metropolitan Area using a range of linked aggregate and disaggregate models. Energy trade-offs were modelled for bot...


