11 results

The potential for 'green' fiscal policy measures to influence individuals' vehicle purchasing decisions in Scotland.

Borthwick, S. The potential for 'green' fiscal policy measures to influence individuals' vehicle purchasing decisions in Scotland. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/8820
Climate change is recognised worldwide as a major concern, with serious repercussions. Observed temperature rises are increasingly being linked to human activity. Evidence ind...

Commentary: The Cultural Diffusion of Asian Innovations in Transport Mobilities

Journal Article
Hannam, K. (2014)
Commentary: The Cultural Diffusion of Asian Innovations in Transport Mobilities. Transfers, 4(3), https://doi.org/10.3167/trans.2014.040308
In this brief commentary on the articles in this special section, I would like to relate them to more contemporary mobilities issues as well as the wider mobilities theoretica...

The Effect of Police Enforcement on Road Traffic Accidents

Scott, A. The Effect of Police Enforcement on Road Traffic Accidents. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4414
The primary goal of this thesis is to investigate the effectiveness of police enforcement on Road Traffic Accidents; specifically, ‘Does police enforcement activity have any r...

A study of individual travel behaviour in Edinburgh, to assess the propensity to use non-motorised modes.

Ryley, T. J. (2005)
A study of individual travel behaviour in Edinburgh, to assess the propensity to use non-motorised modes. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4277

Edinburgh, road pricing and the boundary problem: issues of equity and efficiency.

Working Paper
Raje, F., Grieco, M. & McQuaid, R. W. (2004)
Edinburgh, road pricing and the boundary problem: issues of equity and efficiency.

The importance of transport in business location decisions-scoping study.

McQuaid, R. W., Greig, M., Smyth, A. & Cooper, J. A. (2002)
The importance of transport in business location decisions-scoping study
The aim of this project was to review current literature of issues considered by businesses in choosing where they locate / relocate and in particular, the significance and im...

An assessment of the economic impact of the Skye Bridge tolls: research report.

McQuaid, R. W. & Greig, M. (2001)
An assessment of the economic impact of the Skye Bridge tolls: research report
Outlines the background leading to the commissioning of this report from Napier University, reviews the findings which point to the present Bridge tolls regime as suppressing ...

The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment

Journal Article
D. Nelson, J., Leitham, S., McQuaid, R. W., & Nelson, J. D. (2000)
The influence of transport on industrial location choice: a stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 34(7), 515-535. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0965-8564%2899%2900030-0
Stated preference experiments are introduced and applied to an investigation of the influence of road transport and other factors on industrial location in terms of the ex ant...

An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties

Journal Article
Abdalla, I. M., Raeside, R., Barker, D., & McGuigan, D. R. (1997)
An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties. Accident analysis and prevention, 29(5), 583-593. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0001-4575%2897%2900011-0
This paper reports on the analysis of a data base created by merging road casualty information and census data for the former Lothian region in Scotland. The data base was est...

Transportation policy issues in the Highlands and Islands - some practitioner views.

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (1994)
Transportation policy issues in the Highlands and Islands - some practitioner views. Regions,