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7 results

Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Journal Article
Johnson, D., Bock, A. J., & George, G. (2019)
Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Industrial and Corporate Change, 28(4), 941-959.
University-centered entrepreneurial ecosystems (UCEEs) are complex webs of entrepreneurs, researchers, institutional support structures, and the built environment. We study th...

Regenerative Medicine Ecosystems and the Built Environment at Entrepreneurial Universities

Journal Article
Bock, A. J., & Johnson, D. (2017)
Regenerative Medicine Ecosystems and the Built Environment at Entrepreneurial Universities. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2017(1), 11914.
In some technology-intensive sectors, high discovery costs, specialized knowledge requirements and long time frames favor research centralization around research universities....

Coping with uncertainty: Entrepreneurial sensemaking in regenerative medicine venturing

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2017)
Coping with uncertainty: Entrepreneurial sensemaking in regenerative medicine venturing. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(1), 33-58.
Entrepreneurs face multiple sources and types of uncertainty during venturing activity. Converting novel or speculative opportunities into viable commercial businesses require...

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Fixing the Triple Helix

Journal Article
Bock, A. J., & Johnson, D. (2015)
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Fixing the Triple Helix. European Business Review, 73-76
In knowledge-intensive fields, new ventures live or die within entrepreneurial ecosystems. This article shows how policymakers can nurture entrepreneurial ecosystems to fix br...

Sensemaking at entrepreneurial firms: Acknowledgment practice under uncertainty

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2015)
Sensemaking at entrepreneurial firms: Acknowledgment practice under uncertainty. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2015(1), 12638-12638.
Acknowledgement practices represent individual or group responses to events or outcomes. Within organizational contexts, acknowledgement practices reflect sensemaking and have...

Regenerative medicine translation: Cross-national analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystem development

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2015)
Regenerative medicine translation: Cross-national analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystem development. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2015(1), 12653-12653.
In the field of regenerative medicine, new ventures face unformed markets and inconsistent industry practices. We study two university- centric regenerative medicine ecosystem...

Coping with unresolvable uncertainty: A situational analysis of regenerative medicine venturing

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2014)
Coping with unresolvable uncertainty: A situational analysis of regenerative medicine venturing. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2014(1), 11294-11294.
Acquiring resources, such as knowledge, is a fundamental entrepreneurial task during venture development. However, high levels of uncertainty challenge resource identification...