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9 results

Ethical dilemma: codes of practice, why they don't work and why we need them.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2017, March)
Ethical dilemma: codes of practice, why they don't work and why we need them. Presented at Can I Really Do This?, London
The very term ‘ethics’ falters unhelpfully in its usage. On a common sense level, we all know what we mean when we hear or use the term but in practice it signifies both a mod...

Ethics and Psychology: Beyond Codes of Practice

Neill, C. (2016)
Ethics and Psychology: Beyond Codes of Practice. Taylor & Francis
This highly original book explores the idea and potential of psychology in the context of ethical theory, and the idea of ethics in the context of psychology. In so doing, it ...

‘Ethics, discourse, experience’.

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, May)
‘Ethics, discourse, experience’. Presented at Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland, Dublin

‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2015, March)
‘Repetition / Interpretation / Failure: Towards an Ethics of Discourse Analysis’. Presented at Manchester University, Discursive Practice Workshop., Manchester
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Embarking from Beckett's famous lines from Worstward Ho, this paper considers the import of the quota...

‘O Cursed Spite: On Ethics and Time’

Presentation / Conference
Neill, C. (2014, January)
‘O Cursed Spite: On Ethics and Time’. Paper presented at Symposium Depsychologizing / Deneurologizing Modern Subjectivity, Ghent

Lacanian ethics and the assumption of subjectivity.

Neill, C. (2010)
Lacanian ethics and the assumption of subjectivity. Palgrave Macmillan
However we conceive of ethics, whether by appeal to an exterior or traditional notion of right and wrong, or by appeal to some form of individual virtue or responsibility, it ...

Choang-tsu’s butterfly: objects and the subjective function of fantasy.

Journal Article
Neill, C. (2006)
Choang-tsu’s butterfly: objects and the subjective function of fantasy. 880-01 Gramma : journal of theory and criticism = Gramma : periodiko theōrias kai kritikēs, 14, 61-70
In the sixth chapter of the Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, Lacan refers to the taoist Choang-tsu's well known parable of the dream butterfly. Choang-tsu poses th...

The Locus of Judgement in Lacan's Ethics

Journal Article
Neill, C. (2005)
The Locus of Judgement in Lacan's Ethics. Journal for Lacanian studies. 3, 85-100. ISSN 1477-3635
This article seeks to redress an often elided aspect of Lacan’s treatment of ethics; the importance of judgement to the possibility of ethical action. Where writers like Žižek...

An idiotic act: on the non-example Of Antigone.

Journal Article
Neill, C. (2005)
An idiotic act: on the non-example Of Antigone. Janus head. 34, 1-28. ISSN 1524-2269