37 results

Contesting colonial (hi)stories: (Post)colonial imaginings of South East Asia

Journal Article
Supartono, A., & Moschovi, A. (2020)
Contesting colonial (hi)stories: (Post)colonial imaginings of South East Asia. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 51(3), 343-371. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022463420000508
This article seeks to explore the impact of digital technologies upon the material, conceptual and ideological premises of the colonial archive in the digital era. This analys...

Cultural antinomies, creative complicities: Agan Harahap's digital hoaxes

Book Chapter
Moschovi, A., & Supartono, A. (2019)
Cultural antinomies, creative complicities: Agan Harahap's digital hoaxes. In H. Lewi, W. Smith, S. Cooke, & D. vom Lehn (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites (227-240). London: Routledge
The chapter explores how creative repurposing of networked photographs and online interactivity may open new channels and networks for the critical re-evaluation of mainstream...

A History Of Boys: The MES 56 And Beyond

Journal Article
Supartono, A. (2018)
A History Of Boys: The MES 56 And Beyond. DECK Journal of Photography, 1(1), 94-105
In 2017, DECK Art Photography Center in Singapore started a series of research-based exhibitions on contemporary Southeast Asian photography. For its inaugural exhibition of t...

From Singapore with Nature.

Exhibition / Performance
Supartono, A., Renhui, R. Z., Ang, S. N., Marvin, T., & Woong, S. T. From Singapore with Nature. Exhibited at Thessalonika, Greece. 28 September 2018 - 27 January 2019. (Unpublished)

Supartono, A., Renhui, R. Z., Ang, S. N., Marvin, T., & Woong, S. T. From Singapore with Nature. Exhibited at Thessalonika, Greece. 28 September 2018 - 27 January 2019. (Unpublished
In this year’s Thessaloniki PhotoBiennale 2018, the central exhibition entitled “Capitalist Realism“, which is structured in two large sections, at the Thessaloniki Museum of ...

From Singapore with Nature

Book Chapter
Supartono, A. (2018)
From Singapore with Nature
In 1819, when Stamford Raffles decided to turn the small fishing island at the Malacca strait into a trading port of British East India company, the future of Singapore was se...

One and Three Discs (after Kosuth)

Physical Artefact
Holmes, P. One and Three Discs (after Kosuth)

Holmes, P. One and Three Discs (after Kosuth
Super 8 film, DVD, audio recording, screen, speaker It is over 50 years since Joseph Kosuth’s conceptual work One and Three Chairs challenged its viewer to locate the “real” ...

Time Machine. In Simply Beaming

Exhibition / Performance
Holmes, P. Time Machine. In Simply Beaming. Exhibited at HOPE, Engaru, Hokkaido, Japan. 14 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. (Unpublished)

Holmes, P. Time Machine. In Simply Beaming. Exhibited at HOPE, Engaru, Hokkaido, Japan. 14 June 2018 - 15 June 2018. (Unpublished
This group exhibition of moving image works from members of the artist-run Edinburgh gallery, Embassy, toured venues across Japan and included video work "Time Machine". Cura...

Gastric Tones. In Response Installations and New Media

Exhibition / Performance
Holmes, P. Gastric Tones. In Response Installations and New Media. Exhibited at Gem Cinema, Entally, Kolkata, India. 28 January 2018 - 28 February 2018. (Unpublished)

Holmes, P. Gastric Tones. In Response Installations and New Media. Exhibited at Gem Cinema, Entally, Kolkata, India. 28 January 2018 - 28 February 2018. (Unpublished
A group show as part of CIMA Gallery's 25 year celebrations, featured sound installation "Gastric Tones". Curated by Manas Acharya.

Various works. In Films by Paul Holmes (solo programme)

Exhibition / Performance
Holmes, P. Various works. In Films by Paul Holmes (solo programme)
Exhibited at Theatre for Experiments in New Technologies, Kolkata, India. 10 December 2017. (Unpublished
A retrospective programme of film works: "These Measures are for Your Protection", "The Persistence of Vision" and "Time Machine", screening as part of the Little Cinema Inter...

Gastric Tones [audio installation]

Digital Artefact
Holmes, P. (2017)
Gastric Tones [audio installation]. [Gallery exhibition]
Audio recording and acrylic speakers. In his previous sound works, Paul Holmes has captured and transformed recordings of the human voice; this is the first piece that makes ...